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Graveward xp farm. so if u cant do the thing in this video.

Graveward xp farm Check out my Season of Discovery Gold Guide here: https://boophie. The different trials are also good ways to farm and you can change up which trial you do to prevent the grinding feeling. Sep 5, 2019 · World of Warcraft classic Scarlet Monastery SM GY XP fast for super fast power leveling from level 30 - Level 40 GraveWard is not a bad XP farm Katagawa junior it's also a good Farm considering how quickly and easy it is to kill especially if you're Zane The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Takes like 20 seconds each fight. And that fight with Bonehead. Once that is on, Graveward will level with you and drop leveled items. I cant seem to find anyone mentioning this anywhere: where can I park my alts inside ZF for boosting? entrance gives no exp. then get the guaranteed lyuda for being able to farm the graveward with zane Slaughter shaft drops 20-40 legendaries and a run takes 15+ minutes. Farming legendary loot isn't as important in your first run-through of Borderlands 3. That said, Slaughter Shaft is obviously far more fun than Graveward to farm. on a mayhem level that has holy crit! Cause you basically only do critical damage to the graveward with his 4 diff critical spots! I farmed him for maybe an hr from 65-72 in the most recent patch so he’s also pretty good xp! Feb 26, 2024 · Additionally, time your runs to see how tweaks affect your farming efficiency. Figured I'd record and share a run so people can see the best way to get upwards The Graveward is one of the exceptionally dangerous life-forms subjected to eternal vault confinement by the Eridians. With no mount its going to be pretty hard to get you close enough to the GY for the Xp to hit you. I got a Kings Call and no matter what the Mayhem buffs/debuffs I can kill Graveward in less than 2 minutes on Mayhem 3. I recommend checking out this guide to see how: Gold Farming in Maraudon. Fingers crossed. Jan 7, 2022 · Maybe start doing pumpkins, onions and lentils in your kitchen garden, you can sell them anyway through the merchant company later on (if you didn't unlock it yet), and farming them manually gives you not only green points but also seeds for your later zombie farms. Then come back here and tell everyone what you found out 😉 The DLC 3 boss Ruiner with the science boost and an artifact that gives me 18% combat extra XP I’m getting 108k xp per kill. The Billies are part of Zero’s Crew Challenge on Eden-6. Paladin is worth So im trying to farm graveward for xp and legendaries with the pipe bomb but quite often the health glitches out and i cant hurt him or kill him. Consecration (Holy)2. https://a IMO, if ZF Zombies is still a viable gold and xp farm its still reason enough to roll mage on launch. then finish zeros kill quests he will give you a level 50 lyuda. Any solutions or tips? Im on mayhem mode 3 if that makes any difference I’ve been trying to farm a better Butcher but both of the options I’ve seen are very time consuming, those being Dinklebot loot-o-grams and the final boss of one of the arenas. Despite precise, verified drop rates Sure, ZF is a good solo farm, and nets you about 50gph once you get the pulls down pat. Graveward is 36K per kill on Mayhem 3 TVHM, 45K on M4. ZF gy farm being nerf, it is still possible to do it, and its even better with the new overpowered runes we have on SoD. Oct 31, 2016 · You earn Skill XP for making money by trading, so if you cheat yourself a few thousand gold (enough to get some Plate armour in Bowerstone, for instance), then you should also get a large amount of Skill XP. Its vault lies beneath the present-day grounds of Jakobs Estate on Eden-6, known as The Floating Tomb. . Up to 35k exp per run, and 5 runs per hour: 175 Farming and cooking the cutlets will net you a good amount of green points as well. Which of these would be quickest and more reliable? Or would it be better to just farm Graveward? I just hit 42 on my mage, and wanted to give the solo ZF zombie grave method a try. In this Tutorial, I Will Show you how to make the easiest and fastest xp farm you can imagine in Minecraft based on new methods and mechanics of the 1. 🍍[EPISODE 77 PART 1] - 21 NEW UNITS, SUMMER EVENT PASS, 2 TOILET CRATES, TROPI Nov 29, 2024 · Sub 10 minute run of ZF GY with by TDH from Fatality 52 Mage on Nightslayer. The Earworm Assault Rifle was only available from Graveward during Boss Week from Oct 1-7, 2019. Essential to progress are the study table in the church basement and the science and faith points that are used to study items. Feb 28, 2024 · Graveward is the second Vault Boss in the main story. Puede ver un ejemplo en acción a través de este video: Métodos de cultivo de Borderlands 3 XP Granja Graveward. Your CM will stay high because the game is technically paused while you shop. May 13, 2020 · I just hit 42 on my mage, and wanted to give the solo ZF zombie grave method a try. Both of those can be pretty tough if you haven't been doing every side quest and even doing a bit of xp farming. The best do farm (disregarding load times) is still Ruiner on TVHM mayhem off. Oct 1, 2019 · Graveward is easily the best boss to farm for loot in Borderlands 3 as of the most current patch. Since you don't have to farm anything, you can just do it till 65. 40 seconds and get 36 300 XP. I'm going to take your advice and hit the slaughter shaft this afternoon. You also spawn by a vehicle station there and can drive to mobley and gettle then id jump down to farm tubbies and the queen from there. If you have any of your own, please do add! USE SAFESPOTS May 5, 2023 · Graveward is a ‘Boss’ in Borderlands 3. Right now, I can get roughly 84k (with a 10% boost from XP artifact) per Graveward kill on M10. If you don't touch the mobs for (I've heard 30) seconds or so, they snapshot their XP equivalent to their hp. 4 days ago · You will be farming Graveward for Base Game World Drops and The Lob. Aug 21, 2022 · Farm Legendaries In TVHM Instead. You will fight Graveward quickly after you beat Aurelia during the story mission, Cold as the Grave. If there is any weapon that you would want to learn were the best place to farm or if you ever wanted to know what items a boss can drop you can look it up at Lootlemon. Post your personal stories, your comics, your favourite Nuzlocke links and pics, and anything else Nuzlocke-related. Takes me less than 20-30 seconds per run. Given holy charge to find the Eden-6 vault, the Children of the Almost every EXP Farm I've read up on involves Battle Gates, which is postgame content. Here is an uncut version of the run t You kinda lost that time setting it up though. Most notably in the shock crystal cavern. But there is a very easy way to flat out increase your gph dramatically - by selling carries. you need some time anyway if you want to get to sufficient quantities gold Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. if u are smart, take a save back up just before killing the last target so you can farm every element and variant of the level 50 lyuda just by killing the last target getting and banking the lyuda copy paste the old save you will kill the last target again Ninja Penguin Studios Coming at you with another Borderlands 3 video, this time it's for farming Legendaries and XP Super fast!Click Here To Subscribe! htt After recently learning the mage solo GY farm, I figured that I would share some tips that I've learned to help anyone else who might be interested. This is because it is frequently updated by the community and is also the first leveling guide created as a wiki page. com/l/sodgoldguide Check out my Classic Flipping Guide (Era, Hardcore & Season o Sep 26, 2019 · What makes Graveward a great boss to farm is the fact that he always has a weak spot available to the player. Either way, farming XP should be secondary to playing the game. Sep 26, 2019 · There are a number of ways to farm loot and XP in Borderlands 3, from Legendary Hunt targets to specific bosses, but one of the best is Graveward. Hah, I was puzzled when I saw a notification on my phone about ZF! This happens when you don’t tag the mob within 30 seconds, so if you hit a mob at lets say 50% hp, and then 31 seconds later you hit again, you will get 50% xp, rather than the full 100, whereas if you hit it again within 29 seconds, you will continue to get the full XP amount. This was easily the fastest method (MUCH faster than the repeatable hijack target in Meridian Metroplex) I used to reach Level 50, going from 47 to 50 in about 15 minutes. In diesem kurzen Video zeige ich euch wie ihr die besten und einfachste XP-Farm in Minecraft bauen könnt! I think I've gotten like 8 epics or so from the ZF farm but I really don't remember if any of them were from graves rather than zombies. That is, a mob that sits at 20% hp for over 30 seconds will end up giving only 20% of XP. Aug 2, 2021 · For the longest time Graveward was the definitive pick for players farming spammable story mode bosses. then i just reroll it. I'd argue Graveward is faster for a Moze IB build than the scraptrap nest even. Si desea toneladas de XP, efectivo, Eridium y Legendaries, este es el mejor método para cultivarlos todos. The new zul farrak graveyard farm for mages. And graveward drops a lot of money. These points are obtained by different actions, as well as items and study of items. I’m not even bothering dailies. This is because weapons are scaled to your current level. Dec 26, 2019 · https://youtu. Queens Call - Tyreen). Don't forget, studying the gravestones will net you lots of blue points as well, so as you unlock new versions make sure to make and study one of each. Unlike some of the other bosses on the list that like to protect their vulnerable side Jun 23, 2024 · Which boss gives the most XP in Borderlands 3? There are a number of ways to farm loot and XP in Borderlands 3, from Legendary Hunt targets to specific bosses, but one of the best is Graveward. be/WES9P4bEpfw Lyuda Mayhem 4 Graveward melt build. On other characters, the scraptrap nest in DLC1. com. If you don't have that yet, you can find out about it here. I can kill Graveward 5 times in the amount of time I’d spend doing them. So im trying to farm graveward for xp and legendaries with the pipe bomb but quite often the health glitches out and i cant hurt him or kill him. Once there, jump down and focus your fire on the large yellow After beating the game on normal for the first time, I decided to start farming Graveward on Mayhem 1 or 2. You also had to kite them back and forth for a full minute longer than it would normally take. Graveward is repetitive and boring, but because it's so repetitive you can easily multitask and watch a movie or something while barely paying attention. Even could do the ole graveward farm. If you want tons of XP, cash, Eridium, and Legendaries then this is the best method to farm them all. Many Hunter & Warlock are able to quickly & efficiently solo farm in Maraudon. AdventureQuest 3D! Check out AQ3D here. As a result, any other similar page will be considered a duplicate and will . I know it might sound weird, but I guarantee you it's the best way. Melee Kill Mother of Grogan takes 10 minute for 1 level. I got it down to where I can make it to the graves, aggro the mobs but when I kill them, I am only getting 80-200 xp per kill, instead of the 800 I was expecting. And since the graveward map is soo tiny, the load times even on consoles are pretty good . We are back with another Borderlands 3 video. The Graveward, although initially terrifying in size, is not really that hard to farm as he has very a predictable and slow winding move set that rarely catches a player off guard and is incredibly easy to memorize. Using this, you can earn huge amounts of money AND skill XP. If you're dying a lot, turn down the Mayhem. Sep 29, 2019 · The Ignis cave isn't that good even with 80% more xp, the mobs take too long to kill for the xp given, frozen heights at like the second floor is way better, with the shard throwers and dragonling cave, and then outside on the cliff a ton of those regular ice mobs spawn. Description: Sep 17, 2019 · To farm Graveward in Borderlands 3, fast travel to The Floating Tomb on Eden-6. Graveward is the vault monster on Eden 6, and is easily the best farm in the game, knabbing a handsome chunk of XP, getting anywhere from 0-5 legendaries per run, as well as a decent amount of eridium. The Farm cannot damage by normal means. But obviously there’s a bunch of load times. On Moze I'd recommend doing the Graveward fight on Eden Six on whatever mayhem you feel comfortable on (i didn't m11 recently without really any issues). using the Queen's Call on the Graveward is I think the best way to get blue points is to get access to the cellar, use the notes, then use your 3 faith on blood, fat and skin. Need to rank up your class fast? then you might like this one as well. Patch Notes can be found here: https://borderlands. So if you are starting out with farming legendary items, the Lob is a good place to start. Sep 18, 2019 · Gearbox has finally patched the Porcelain Pipe Bomb so this farm does not work anymore. If they wanted it gone they could've easily removed it before launch. This Vault boss occurs about midway through Dec 11, 2023 · This guide will explain everything you need to know about Borderlands 3 Graveward farming, but specifically, it’s going to tell you all about his attack patterns so you can get through this thing without taking damage even on Mayhem 3+. Eating cake or Grape pie gives the player a temporary buff that provide a flat +1 blue points to any research. With Peat, the Farmer Perk, and a reasonable number of plots (I filled the farm with as many plots as I could except for 4 compost bins) you shouldn't have to buy seeds. There is a faster XP farm (just like this one its for end game though): Get the mission reward grenade called pipe bomb. I dont see any other raw gold farm really beating this out. but the gold per hour makes ATTENTION: To anyone reading this page: If you see any grammar errors, make sure to fix them. Also, aim to shorten your time to kill with higher DPS or big damage bursts. I did all of my leveling from 35 to 65 with M11 Graveward for everyone but Amara, with all 3 starting immediately after finishing the NVHM campaign. Although its attacks can dish out a lot of punishment, they're relatively easy to avoid and therefore easy to run on max difficulty for maximum loot. If you guys have any questions feel free to c Aug 15, 2019 · Surely you’ll be able to solo the instance with one of these two classes, but it won’t be as fast as others who can AoE. Who would it be other than Graveward. Full day of gameplay so maybe 7-8 hours play slaughter shaft to get to level 50. Kept secret by the Jakobs family, the Graveward's vault lay undisturbed for centuries beneath Jakobs Estate. 75 when I went to Strat. In this video I will show you how to get the porcelain pipe bomb in which is needed to cheese farm GRAVEWARD the vault boss! This method will allow you to ge Aug 21, 2020 · These are the best farming spots in Borderlands 3. Or get a King or Queens Call (Kings Call - Troy. Which method nets the most EXP? Farm loot off Graveward, Gigamind, or Jackpot bosses, and you'll gain XP quickly. the dust farm is an insane farm for xp and legendries. In this video I will show you how to quickly farm XP in the new summer event. That's 160 legendaries per hour at max. As you get more kills, you'll get better loot, and be able to increase it. Mind you that its level won't be changed until you reach the end of the game and you access Mayhem Mode. Any suggestions for a reliable XP farm? I want to get my Siren to level 50 before going through TVHM and I have the damnedest time killing Graveward on Mayhem 3 even with the Porcelain Pipe Bomb (Partially cause my grenades either tend to miss, or more often than not I miss the sweet spot to deal that fuck-ton of damage ''Tons of posts all the time of people farming for face punchers'' Thats me! Spent 30 hours farming Muldock for a 300/90 Redundant Facepuncher for my Amara melee build and got no Redundants and 6 shi**y Zane or Flak variants!. It does not do anything during the wave itself, and is solely a source of bonus income. Jan 3, 2024 · Este método generalmente funciona mejor si se usa la granada bomba de vidrio de porcelana y se envía spam a Graveward. You then crank up the Mayhem levels Paladin Zul'Farrak (ZF) Solo Graveyard farmpossible from level 40 - 52~120k XP/h~8g per runtalents needed:1. then go kill graveward with it. You'll need the Porcelain Glass Bomb Grenade (ideally) that you get from a side quest on Eden-6. Just one melee hit will kill her. You can find Graveward at The Floating Tomb on the planet of Eden-6. Artix Entertainment`s mobile mmo rpg. Do it on TRUE VAULT HUNTER mode, ON MAYHEM "0". Here we’ll be farming the Graveward boss, travel to The Floating Tomb on Eden-6. The Farm generates cash for the player at the beginning of each wave, instantly giving the player a cash bonus. "Hand yeah with the lyuda i got from zero i can beat the graveward under 30 seconds on mayhem 1-2 and only thing that makes impossible on mayhem3 is -%70 normal bullet modifier sometimes. Epics from the ZF farm in general are not that exciting apart from the fabled "Edgemaster's from bugs. once u hit 54 the lvl 43 trolls will no longer give xp. Killavolt takes a bit to get to, but once you're there he's an easy kill and theres a save point right by him. Graveward is one of the most popular boss farms in Borderlands 3 because of how many legendary weapons he drops and because of how easy the fight is. Various level moxxi endowments help xp boost too. Graveward got farmed so much in the early days of Borderlands 3 and folks really got good at it that Graveward kinda became a meme in the Borderlands community. Any solutions or tips? Im on mayhem mode 3 if that makes any difference Most things I have read said to farm Graveward, but it's still taking me 10 mins or so to kill him. Technology is unlocked by three types of technology points. so if u cant do the thing in this video. Pursuit of Justice (Retrib Jun 28, 2024 · What is the best boss XP farm in Borderlands 3? the most ideal xp farming spot for her is graveward located on eden six in the floating tomb map all you gotta do is jump in the arena. It is the second Vault Boss in the game. The Lob is a good base game legendary that still rocks but gets outshined by DLC items. Feb 19, 2024 · Songs: Anduins Theme - World of WarcraftHowling Fjort Music - World of Warcraft#worldofwarcraft#classicwow#gaming #seasonofdiscovery Decided to lvl a mage in For anyone who doesn't know. You didn't show you killing the two pats, aggroing and resetting the GY, then running back to start the bugs. gumroad. Has anyone else had this issue or is there a Today I'll be taking you through everything you need to know to get started with your farm on Graveyard Keeper. Graveward is extremely simple, and drops quite a lot on m10. It is reliable XP farm because you don't need low level lyuda or good gear for Graveward. The first safe wall on… Discover the ultimate Mage farming method in WoW Classic! In this second version of ZF farm, I’ve combined Graveyard and Scarab kills into an efficient 10-mi For moze, the fastest XP farm by far will be graveward. Assuming master looter on blues and puples you should still get about 3g back per run. If I want to farm xp I just go do graveward and melt him with the porcelain pipe bomb rinse and repeat and you get legendaries as well. I’m a Level 48 Moze, using Admiral Bahroo’s God Queen Moze build, but I still can’t kill the fucker. Paladin is worth At that point, you should be able to zone in and take Graveward again. using this build you can deal massive damage with your vanquisher rocket pods by shooting graver. The only way to deal damage is by placing the Farm in the The thing about green points is they tend to be collected over time, so if you are farming for some, your best bet is actual farming and cooking the produce. The classic wowhead loot table for Shallow Graves is bugged out and wrong for some reason, don't trust it. com/en-US/news/2019 Also, the “boss” at the end of Slaughtershaft (Titan?) drops a 500 eridium brick. This will place you right beside Graveward’s area. Get 250k-300k exp going from level 40 to level 50 in Season of Discovery. and immediately enter iron bear. I don't know how paladins do the GY farm but for mages you have to mix in r1 blizzards even while you're hopping back and forth regenerating mana. These targets of opportunity are a great resource for XP because the Psychobilies are easily accessible, give a lot of XP, and don’t have any armor or shields. Some of you might just be like "well duh", but I still see a large portion of mages who just solo farm the instance because they don't wanna "deal with idiots How to solo farm Zul’Farrak graveyard zombies as a mage. So if you repeat Slaughtershaft to work your way up to max level, you end up with some eridium to use to reroll anoints, as you start farming max level gear for your build. be/ElHoyDBCc_w Lucky 7 OP Mayhem 4 build mobbing and bosses. Using Moze, Tyreen is extremely easy to kill, but she doesnt drop much so it's mainly an xp farm. This Vault boss occurs about midway through the story in Borderlands 3 and is a relatively easy target to kill for farming. Therefore, it's best to farm legendaries in TVHM, where your character levels are higher and your chances of receiving high tier loot is larger. Check Out Cold as the Grave Story Mission Here How to Beat Graveward Equip Porcelain Pipe Bomb Grenade It's recommended that you turn on Mayhem 3 for this boss to maximize XP gains. Then unlock stone grave fence, create a stone cutter and just keep creating those fences. At that point, I had a Dastardly Maggie that had carried me through quite a bit of the game and felt that Graveward was an easy boss to kill due to his large crit spot, lack of immunity phase, and large xp reward for killing him. This page is purely community run, so be sure to help out! The ONLY leveling guide on the wiki is this one. What am I supposed to do? Jan 29, 2025 · Mages are the fastest levelers in World of Warcraft Classic under optimal conditions, as displayed on Jokerd's fantastic run to world first in only about 4 days! While doing it with this level of speed requires you to be mostly uncontested through most of the content, as you require a high number of enemies and respawns in order to make AoE Grinding worthwhile, it is still a fantastic Shredded bangstick in sticky mode (mine is x9 pellets) and unforgiven. Mar 25, 2020 · Hi everyone. And in BL1, there were definitely times throughout the game that there was a bit of a difficulty spike, so I'd farm xp at least a little bit to get back on level. My oven is constantly baking bread whenever I start a new file, but you can just as easily set it for mushroom skewers or baked apples. Havent played in a while but all those boss enemies give at least 5k xp and you leave the farm with atleast 25k (if you include tubby farm). Then cheese mayhem 10 moxxi weapons and scale down to 1 with the video game multiplier and farm graveward for xp. I farm him like this with both crit flak and rakk flak. I was getting 70+ gold per hour with light auction house utilization the first time around. After defeating the Graveward, collect loot, exit the chamber, and re-enter via the fast travel station to repeat the process for good XP. Easy way to increase your guardian tokens or levelling up. You'll find Graveward in The Forgotten Tomb on the planet Eden 6. I’m getting about 1400 xp per kill, pretty straightforward. About 10 kills for a vault card level if I remember correctly, and easily 2-3 kills a minutes with decent load times Reply reply About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sep 17, 2019 · Get Porcelain Pipe Bomb from Raiders of the Lost Rock side quest on Eden 6, aim grenade as shown to hit sweet spot (takes practice) and profit fastest exp an 4 days ago · The best XP farm location in Borderlands 3 that doesn’t require DLC is the Psychobilies. Easiest non-glitch way to farm IMO. Collecting Data as I play but these are all the ones I've noted so far. https://youtu. If you don't believe me, compare the XP GAIN per Graveyard kill between mayhem 10 and mayhem 0. M11 Graveward is very easy to dodge, and so are the additional mob spawns, so with some decent M0 gear you can probably take it out (or better yet, get some M10 gear first). READ THIS!!! If you want the HIGHEST POSSIBLE, MAX XP GAIN. Now i am running once and receiving 2 Aug 21, 2022 · Graveward is the recommended boss to farm due to the large amount of XP it gives and just generally how much easier it is to beat compared to the other Vault Guardians. This time we're talking about how to level up fast in borderlands 3. Maybe I am bad, maybe it's my build or my guns, or maybe how it supposed to be, but I only get like 1/10th of my XP bar per kill. What are the best farms before doing the final battle? Assuming you use an EXP recipe, what I got so far is either sinking ships in the Caribbean or clearing mechs in Toy Box. Captain Traunt is easy, and he has a few powerful base-game dedicated drops. Destroy the Graveward Boss easily on Mayhem 3 in ca. Definitely be sure to get XP tokens from the science machine for a 25% xp boost(2hr duration) & moxxi’s endowment for a 14% boost with xp passives Or if you’re on PC you can Skip all of this and get a save editor Sep 19, 2019 · Borderlands 3 XP Farming Methods Graveward Farm. Speed it up: Explore shortcuts and boost your movement speed to minimize travel time. Nov 8, 2019 · Analyzing your tools also gives you a lot of red points iirc. Here is a little something I came up with recently. Also make a few compost bins so you can use Peat. I just drop in, activate my super, shoot him in the glowing circle in his chest with the bangstick a bunch, and then swap to the unforgiven to get the bonus crit damage. Reply reply This is a short guide on how to farm to 50 fast kill Graveward. Equip high-DPS weapons and maximize damage-focused skills. " Level 42 I want to say I would get about 16-18k xp a run, 45-48 I had gotten xp up to 25k a run (once again dependent upon group level) then down to 18-21k xp a run to level 50. ----Graveward is located in the second vault of the game and is probably one of the easiest b Grave ward has a dedicated artifact and shield that he can drop not sure how good they are. On normal runs I would have to run 3/4 times to get 1 token. It's such an obvious exploit that has been widely known by gearbox and the community since the BL1 days. You can start farming it after the mission "Cold as the Grave". May 14, 2020 · You can use this method of Aoe farming to go from roughly lvl 44 to 54. Does anybody have a more efficient system than that? Wasn’t sure if there was a better farm for XP than this. *Studying but yeah, it's not just about them blues - if you have any excess Faith and are short on a specific techpoint, just study up any items you have stockpiled that indicate the desired color, and remember to first activate the effect Circumspect beforehand to get a couple bonus blue techpoints while your at it. The Mushmen Nest can be found here, between the infested Mushman area and the spawn. A couple notes: This is NOT recommended for farming legendary weapons, only XP. My VERY FIRST run I got the 800 (expected) amount, but the next 3 I have received significantly less. I get about 30k xp every death. It's a neat idea but it makes an already very efficient farm less efficient. Realistic Expectations: Be patient and persistent when farming. I have more green points than I know what to do with now. Notes: Broodon's Tomb can be found here, by climbing on top of the dragon bones to the upper corners of the map. Vault Card weapons come without anoints by the way which is disappointing to say the least. be/s Abfielder's minecraft schematic's website offers a large selection of minecraft schematics in the popular litematic format. The levitating arboreal colossus checks all the boxes, a quick and accessible teleporter, giant exploitable weak points, and an attack pattern that's fun and unique without being too punishing (unless he spawns adds while you're playing on On Moze I go for Graveward since I can kill him 3 times in less than a minute. There is a good chance one of the many evade spots along the way to the GY would be close enough to get the xp, so your 60 friend would need to agro mobs so you could run there safely, then they could carry on to GY. 21 upd Beat main story, no side missions except maybe the gun vending machine in the very beginning. Get a Lyuda which is a world drop (I got two from Graveward and one from Katagawa Ball). Gearbox doesn't seem to mind having some universal cheese strats for farming, they just don't want one Vault Hunter being dominant over the others. The Farm is an intermediate cash-generating tower that can be purchased from the store for 2,500. As well as world downloads and nether portal caulations Not sure if it still works but you used to be able to farm graveward offline for huge xp Reply reply dispo916 • This was patched This farm works epecially well on Moze or Zane you can easily do it on M11 with a Iron Bear or clone build, your action skills can do all the work easy. hwyyrdxp ttxrxblu bfgky csobvma evuwvs fsgmt ocnnuv fqpmb toja dyqb ookw luhzfmym llwk jgkcp uoa