Regex everything after last space. \wtf\test\thisbithere.

Regex everything after last space This answer does that only if the first character on an input line is the only / on the line. I was trying to use gsub("\\. My end goal is to retrieve Allen, Las Vegas, and San Diego as results from each line. The solution must be a REGEX. + to match as much as it can and then drop what has been match, using \\K, before matching a space-hyphen-space pattern. Apr 22, 2016 · Regular expressions are greedy by default. *", "", x) See the regex demo. str. If you use that in your regular expression it will leave any spaces remaining at the start of the string. Jan 9, 2018 · I have a string which contains the rego number of the car like. I figured out how to match the first word, so I was able to create a column containing only the first names. For example, what should happen in a case like this: xxx[yyy]xxx[yyy]xxx? Do you want to delete everything after the first [ so the result would be xxx or do you want to delete everything after each [ sign but keep the rest after the closing ] sign like this: xxxxxxxxx? – Nov 18, 2012 · After that, the dot-star-question mark ungreedily matches everything until we meet (and match) a space-dash-space. So {'s'='2'} will always occur after the string 'session=' and the first space after that and there will be variable number of key value pairs like a=1 before session. Anyon If you regex flavor support \K (resets the match): ([^-]*-\s*){2}\K. Input text: foo bar bacon Desired match: bar bacon The closest t Oct 30, 2014 · Short and simple: a list of characters at the end of a line, not containing the full stop: [^. Nov 19, 2012 · match one or more white space characters only when looking ahead of those white space characters zero or more characters other than white space characters, followed by the end of the string, can be seen. It can be useful in scenarios where you want to extract specific information from a string, such as extracting names or words that follow a certain pattern. Dec 10, 2013 · I would like to have a gsub expression in R to remove everything in a string that occurs after the last space. See it live on regex101. And I wanted to extract the last word after the space so in the above example it would be "Bloggs" what REGEX would I use. "\s" is a special token matching whitespace, "\S" is a special token matching all not-whitespace characters. You can use a regex in BigQuery that matches a string partially and capture the part you need to get as a result: /([^/]+) Oct 1, 2017 · *Notice to the spaces: I want to get match on every line until the last character that is not space. But how can I match (delete) everything after the WORD ? Oct 15, 2013 · If i have a PowerShell string for example "John Doe Bloggs" or "John Bloggs". After-u Everything after the 2nd -should be stripped out. I was using goolge to find a suitable regex, but no success. I would like to use . To match across newlines, add the m modifier after the last regex Oct 31, 2013 · I'm trying to find a regex for removing everything after the last dot in a file. Now I want a column that contains the middle and last names (combined). Dec 1, 2011 · EDIT: To cut off everything after the last space (thinking about it, this is what you actually seem to want, you can use: regex. How might I do the same thing (everything after the first period) but skipping the first 100 characters? Regex to capture everything up to (but not including the 1st space and hyphen) 0 Regex Pattern Matching until the first whitespace before the first series of characters containing a specific character Jun 23, 2020 · I want to reduce the length of my input string to max 20 characters, but I don't want't to break the string in the middle of a word. *) The parenthesis on a regular expression define groups of expressions. group before = and after = in two different groups. After the closing parenthesis, you are quite right that we repeat this pattern thanks to the {2} Once we're past the second occurrence of space-dash-space, we're free to capture everything (dot-star) into Group 1. I have a vector of e-mail addresses called email and would like to extract the text after the final period in each one. *?) capture all characters (keep in mind, this is after the regex has identified the block of data we want) \, up to this character (comma) And finally, here it is working on Dec 23, 2015 · regex explanation: Read text not containing equal sign, then find a equal sign, then find text not containing equal sign, all on same line. You simply need to split the string by delimiters (in this case a backslash), then choose the part you need (in this case, the 3rd field - the first field is empty). I simply need a regex matching " (" and everything after that (space, parenthesis, everything). *). I really don't know why \w doesn't matches Persian characters. *) Explanation: \s = Find first space \S = Find word after space \s = Find second space (. +)) after that first space. It does not actually match what you need. ") in each element so we can get: "apple" "orange" "orange" "apple. Aug 2, 2015 · I realize this question probably seems painfully simple to most regular expression masters, but reviewing similar questions has not yielded a solution. Pick whichever is most appropriate. Follow these steps-Split the string at space. In order to build in some whitespace for epic textblocks. The regex should also match zero occurrences of the pattern, so zero or one occurrence should be ignored and from the 2nd occurrence everything should be removed. */ Replace: Empty string Because the * quantifier is greedy, ^. [^\,] ignore this character (comma), but select everything * up to this character \, {9} is doing the leg work, we are able to specify which N block of data we want. NET, Rust. and get just 129 Jul 12, 2013 · I am using ColdFusion 10. The . pattern after (. replace("regex",''); I am beginner in RegEx, any help is appreciated. Have simple text on single line - and want to match all of the text after the final &lt;/p&gt; tag. Does anyone have an idea? Dec 14, 2010 · As I'll be using Movable Type's regex_replace function, I'm gonna be trying to grab everything after the first few sentences. @Radioactive, the question is asking about "removing" everything after the | in Notepad++. *) = Grab everything after the space Your result will be returned in the first capture group - (. Explore Teams Jun 30, 2014 · Now I would like to extract the two integers and the information that follows up to the period then ignore the everything till either the end of the string or till the semicolon. The character / matches just /. My goal is to delete the last space in the string. Details: (. So, the . I would use, str. So, we need to work backwards, and, to see the effects of the regex, I'll capture each section and print it separated with |==|. So I figured I need the regex code to match everything after the first word. the dotnet/powershell version also allows you to set the number of returned items. I have text that reads this: kea k3fi ifea1k monkey k22a kfea. You can split on the final " - "using this regex: . *$ yes, works fine, but this regex you gave me will match everything only until the next line, only from the paragraph. Mar 31, 2017 · The regex you are looking for is \s\S*\s(. The second regex matches as many non-comma characters as possible before the end of line. Here that includes all underscores (if there are any) before the last one. The replacement is everything leading up to the final space character, followed by a tab. Nov 16, 2017 · The value will be of random length without space and there will be space before {'s'='2'}. Click To Copy. I want to extract the city name after a column of identical strings, but different cities afterwards. This can only match the last bit of a line after the last space. I would like to extract only the digits while excluding any other non-digit character following the last whitespace in the string. (I like ! and | because they look like dividing lines; other people use @, #, ^, or whatever they feel like. Related. *? to make the pattern ungreedy, so if you had DitchMe5Keep8Me it will match DitchMe5, if you use a greedy pattern like . It should return nothing. that would give you the part before the 1st space in one array slot with the remainder of the string in the 2nd array slot. *\s) i get the word NL-NL. *) get the R make it the second group (R) get everything else and make it the third group (. I've checked all sorts of other SO posts, but everything I've tried butchers the strings. And THEN inserts a newline. While \. sub(" . I tried with regex ". RegEx Demo. It is possible to use / in a regular expression delimited by /, but that can be hard for a person to read. string="Da Silva UF" should return me "Da Silva". I have a tool which can use Regex to do this. (. I am trying to do a find and replace all to make that become a comma. Is there a way to either: match only the space after the 4th period and replace IT with a newline, or Follow the provided example and replace the 'set of characters' in the pattern with your desired characters to match. Also the pattern contains only one space after last comma. This means that when a regex pattern is capable of matching more characters, it will match more characters. Note: the m flag in the regex means:. Example: C:\Data\ToCopy\file1. \wtf\test\thisbithere. *) - the rest of the line. jpg" May 1, 2019 · So I'm a total regex n00b and I have a google spreadsheet with a column that contains names. Jul 27, 2016 · See the regex demo. If you want to strip any and all leading spaces that remain after removing the non-spaces, your matching pattern might be one of Feb 25, 2022 · . I have some lengthy content (up to 8,000 characters) and want to create a teaser. *, replace with nothing. What I can see is that you want to remove everything until the first number, so you can use this regex and replace it with an empty string: ^. * means searching for a space followed by any characters (. Note that don’t forget to replace the FOO as displayed below. juice" "orange. /\FOO(. Sep 10, 2013 · I want to match text after given string. *\s) i get the word Search this is wrong. 435456 I would like to replace everything after . Declare it like: public static readonly Regex rx = new Regex(@"^\d+\p{Zs}", RegexOptions. Kids Summer Camp 2021 At Locati Aug 22, 2015 · To get the last non-space characters, use sub to match one or more characters that are not a space (\\S+) from the beginning of the string ('^') followed by one or more space (\\s+) and replace it with '' to get the last non-space character. var input = "bobs nice house"; var afterSpace = Regex. Details:. * Explanation: [^-]* Matches any number of characters just not - -\s* Matches a - and any number of spaces {2} Repeats what is in the ( ) 2 times. Oct 4, 2010 · It's everything that appears before a : and also preferably the space that appears just after the : Example: Hello : Charlie wants to know how to delete everything behind him from behind the colon and one space in front. RegEx Breakup: (. So far I've found ways to remove all text before the first dot, but I can't seem to find a way to select the end of the file. The last word my have 2 or 5(with special char -or Aug 18, 2005 · Last: 07/06/2006 04:00:00 mazorcanyona3:orestes88 Last: 08/18/2005 02:18:25 alexloveridge:scotty123 The last space is after the time. So: test &lt;- data. Mar 27, 2016 · I'd like to match everything in a string up to the last space but without including it. // show me 20 char: 12345678901234567890 string inputString = Jul 9, 2021 · Hello All, I am trying to get the hang of RegEx, but am having some trouble. split(0,1); But if there is no space after the last character in the string, this will delete the last character of the string instead. RegEx should work also for other languages than English, as mine does. * Matches the rest of the string. In a block of text. */). Mar 31, 2024 · It should match and group the 6 following lines right after the —— I've tried pretty much everything that crossed my mind so far but I must be missing something here. *_means to match zero or more characters greedily, followed by an underscore. Thus, the entire match will be after the last comma. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Feb 19, 2021 · I have a column and I have to remove everything which comes after the last space. , however, matches any character except newlines, so . Optionally, you may add \A and \z anchors at the start and end. Notepad++ delete everything in line after certain character? Nov 29, 2016 · I have a dataframe and for a particular column I want to strip out everything after the last underscore. Your example works, you just need to grab the value of the capture group (what you have in parentheses). " inside the names but I don't want those words to be split. In this case, the text for lines starting with "BookTitle" but before first space: BookTitle:HarryPotter JK Rowling BookTitle:HungerGames Suzanne Collins Jan 14, 2015 · I've seen this asked in other languages but can't find it for Python, maybe it has a specific name i'm not aware of. Instead, there is a \K operator that makes the engine omit the whole match that was grabbed so far by the current pattern. how would you capture the content after the last question mark? i want to 'anchor' from thereafter - im not sure if anchor is the right word. *) up until the first space, and then capturing the one or more characters ((. * matches any zero or more characters (in TRE regex flavor, even including line break chars, beware when using perl=TRUE, then it is not the case) as May 16, 2018 · What I want to have is only "vici" string left after removing everything before the last space. r; regex; use a handy stri_extract_last_regex from stringi package Feb 7, 2020 · First it need to match the last space of the string "this is a test NL" with the code (. below is the example Input: name Bill, jake USA Bob P, Jacob LN Smit row, emily TKY Right, IAN Uk Billy , Bob IND Output: name Bill, jake Bob P, Jacob Smit row, emily Right, IAN Billy , Bob Removed every Remove everything after last space with stringr [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. Eg: 129. Yours matches everything following EVERY slash, which really isn't the solution sought. NET regex engine, you can use a positive lookbehind assertion: (?<=^\S*\s+)\S+ See it live on regexhero. If you Ctrl+H (for find + replace), enter my suggestion here in the "Find what" field and use an empty string for the "Replace with" field, make sure "Regular expression" is selected and click the "Replace" button, it should work as described. Nov 18, 2018 · Use a delimiter other than /, because the regular expression contains /. For example in the following line: email:pass | text | text | text | text How would I remove everything past the "pass" so it ends up like Apr 4, 2012 · I have to populate a shop's images and been provided with folders of images which arein the format, eg BRL0368 Side. jpg, 5510 Dura Guard Carpet. Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/. *) (as from Regex to get everything after the first space ) But it comes with the space, and i'd like to get rid of that How to remove everything after a space in a column of an R data frame? Regular expression in R to remove the part of a string after the last space. See the regex demo. *\b\d{4}): Match any text until last 4 digits. – Feb 17, 2020 · But in your description you stated: upto the second to last white space character, that's diferent. *)/g. abridged <- gsub(" $","", dob. * quantifier it will match longest possible string before matching last 4 digits,: Match a comma. However, in PCRE, infinite width lookbehind is not supported. on that line: test\s*:\s*(. Removing three words from a 6 word sentence will leave 3 words, not the last two. See also. Jun 28, 2021 · I was able to locate another regex solution to extract the characters on the end of the string after the last whitespace ([^\s]+$), but I'm having trouble figuring out how to exclude the commas and dollar sign. May 14, 2018 · The regex actually looks actually for everything that has no space in it after the last space of the line (this is done by checking wheter the word is before to the end of the line and by using a positive-lookahead on a space character) Jun 9, 2013 · I'm having trouble figuring out the correct regular expression formula to delete all characters before the third empty space in a Notepad++ line. ; Hit Ctrl+F. *$" but no luck. *) No regex solution May 19, 2015 · See also a regex demo. May 30, 2013 · I know you specifically asked for regex, but you don't really need regex for this. *\b\d{4}),. I will remove everything after that character. 1FX9JE - 2012 Audi A3 Ambition Sportback MY12 Stronic I would like to match everything except the rego number, so anything after the dash. Dec 16, 2020 · This will remove all text up to and including the last pipe char. Can be used to replace or remove everything in the text that starts with a certain character. Even the SO-Question Regex to match last space character does not hold a solution because the goal there was to remove more than one character in the end. matches newline not checked; Replace All. Mar 15, 2016 · Struggling to find a way to do this so any help appreciated. What I need to do is find a way through a regular expression replace in Notepad++ that will delete all of the data on each line of the document after the last backslash "\" on the line. multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working over multiple lines (i. *)\. ; To the Find what textbox, add Regular expression :[^/]+$; Keep the Replace with textbox empty(In screenshot that is my mouse cursor). Jun 24, 2019 · Regular expression in R to remove the part of a string after the last space. At the end, match a space character. For the sake of example, I would like to match characters I put in bold: RENATA T. Any help would be appreciated. Sublime text regex ^([^\s]*)(\s) gives: hihello. com. 6. I'm not sure why the $ sign is Sep 16, 2022 · You can match using this regex: (. * makes it "lazy" rather than "greedy" and is what makes it stop at the first space found. I've tried both directly extracting the text I want as well as extracting out the text I don't want. Where the gray represents the selected area (notice it's also including the word hi, when it should only include the first space for replacing), which if I ran find replace on, would give:, hello Feb 23, 2015 · I'm trying to find the space before the last word of a string. I'm using regex in Open Office - s If you only want to match DATA, and you have access to a Perl-compatible regex engine, you can use ^\S*\s+\K\S+ The \K token tells the regex engine to ignore all the text that has been matched so far. +\\K uses a greedy pattern . *: +(\S+) Explanation ^ Start of string. Regex match everything after question mark? 0. Please note that the regular expression pattern is case-sensitive. ) Find a string of (zero or more) characters other than This regex is designed to extract letters that appear after a space and before digits in a text. *) Dec 24, 2020 · You can match until the last occurrence of :, then match a spaces and capture 1+ non whitespace chars in group 1. +\\K\\s-\\s. Dec 16, 2019 · How do I write a regex to capture everything after the final \ of a file name and search for within the query? i. I want to remove everything before this space to get lines like this. For example, for. ^. After Output should be. Mar 31, 2016 · Try using strsplit to split the text into two columns. Feb 23, 2015 · I'm trying to find the space before the last word of a string. Watch out for re. Due to greedy nature of . To extract everything after a certain set of characters, you can use a regular expression with a positive lookbehind assertion. (2) This solution will fail if any line contains quote(s) (' or "). * and replace with '$1. Jan 17, 2015 · This will take everything from the 1st space: \s(. And then Nov 30, 2015 · I want to remove everything comes after " . exe This works on regexe101: Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. So if the input is as follows. – BenKoshy Commented Nov 29, 2015 at 12:48 May 23, 2017 · I am looking for a regex that will give me the index of the last space in a string using javascript. This is a good thing, in your case. Here's an example: Regex pattern Oct 30, 2010 · For the first match, the first regex finds the first comma , and then matches all characters afterward until the end of line [\s\S]*$, including commas. frame(label=c('test_test_test', 'test_tom_cat', 'tset_eat_food', 'tisk - Sep 21, 2021 · Using regex alone, I am having trouble capturing things after a field entry that comes in one of three ways: Address: 123 Test Lane, City St Address:123 Test Lane, City St 123 Test Lane, City St I need to extract only the address, name, other info. +\s)(. With a . +) will search for everything after the comma, and depending on your regex environment, \1 is the reference for the first parentheses captured group that you need, in this example, everything after the comma. Here's what I have tried so far: dob. Turns out the accepted answer above by @stema does the job when the backslash is replaced with a forward slash. \K Resets the match, and only keeps the rest. * pattern will find the first space (since the regex engine is searching strings from left to right) and . 0. I would like to extract everything after the space following the last number. Refer to group 1, variable name (before =) when creating replace. Search: ^. Compiled); The ^\d+\p{Zs} regex means: one or more digits at the start of the string followed with 1 whitespace. mazorcanyona3:orestes88 alexloveridge:scotty123 Mar 1, 2012 · Note: There is a space between last comma and 'c' character which also needs to be removed. *?\d I used . Apr 12, 2011 · Is there a way to remove everything after a certain character or just choose everything up to that character? I'm getting the value from an href and up to the "?", and it's always going to be a. ]+$ Since GREP is greedy by default, it will match as much as possible characters, so for these two test strings it will return everything after the last full stop until the end-of-string. " with nothing using simple regex on notepad++ It seems to be really simple one. Jun 1, 2022 · Search mode: regular expression, with . Assuming that there is no space in the beginning of the string. Value; afterSpace is "nice house". I found Regex to capture everything after optional token Jan 20, 2017 · Note your regex actually requires a whitespace (\s) at the end of the match, thus, stopping the regex engine to match your value at the end of the string. f fkaa99 parrot 23 ma feaj bear. regex101: Get everything after the last slash Regular Expressions 101 A regular expression that matches everything after a specific character (like colon, word, question mark, etc. , match the beginning or end of each line (delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the whole input string) Nov 11, 2012 · I am trying to bulk rename around 10,000 files. Jan 24, 2018 · RegEx: Match everything up to the last space without including it. Regex to capture string inside From the beginning of the line, look for a pattern of non-spaces followed by spaces followed by another set of non-spaces. Regex matches greedily by default so it'll match everything from the first space until the end of line. abridged [1] "9/9/43 1" "9/17/88" "11/21/48" Mar 21, 2021 · I have written an expression to find the last occurrence of "#". Now what I want to do is chop all those down so I can just try and match up in excel the part numbers eg "BRL0368. *: Match everything till end Jun 6, 2014 · get everything until R make it as a group 1 expression the first (. The ? after . Groups[1]. *)"). * [^ ]* But it doesn't help. But "this is a test NL Search" with the code (. I have a vector of strings. You can add \. So you can directly replace that with an empty string, and you are left with your desired text. Regex 101 Demo. take care, lee Jun 7, 2016 · (?<=WORD). abridged, perl=T) > dob. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. * gets everything after the first period, that often leaves a too-short excerpt. *\d it would match DitchMe5Keep8. The pattern is looking for any character zero or more times (. Split() method that will let you split on the spaces. ) in a string. Remove everything before the first space in R. * - any zero or more chars as many as possible \| - a | char (| is a special regex metacharacter that is an alternation operator, so it must be escaped, and since string literals in R can contain string escape sequences, the | is escaped with a double You may use a regex like. 40. txt Desired Output: May 18, 2017 · But the above regex gets the last space and everything a Skip to main content. After a certain length (which I will define elsewhere), I want to find the last alpha character that is followed by a space. *) - 0 or more characters other than a newline, as many as possible, matching up to the last (?<!\d)(\d+) - 1+ digits that are NOT preceded with a digit (. I tested (?s:. There are usually many different regular expressions to solve these kinds of problems. After I get the last #, then from there I want to take the entire string until only first \n is found. txt C:\Data\ToCopy\Folder1\file2. I want to just grab the calendar date from this variable (ie drop everything after the first occurrence of white-space). juice" Note that there might be ". 1. So far I have ^(. *$", "",ls) but it omits everything after the 1st dot. Dec 4, 2011 · I was specifically looking for a regex that matches the last forward slash(/). pie" "orange. So I would hope to end up with: Feb 22, 2016 · Since you need to only match the substring after the last -with spaces trimmed off, you need something like a negative infinite width lookbehind (?<=-\s*). Bob Jane I would want to find the space right before Jane. I've googled my mind away and still not any closer. And we just need to replace the whole string with the first captured group. You may get all matches with /xnum-(\S+)/g regex and access group 1: Jul 25, 2009 · \s matches any white-space character \S matches any non-white-space character; You can match a space character with just the space character; [^ ] matches anything but a space character. Here, sub will only perform a single search and replace operation, the . Nov 18, 2018 · (1) The question says "delete all characters after the last occurrence of /", and shows example output that retains the last /. Sep 13, 2019 · Your regex matches any 1 or more chars as few as possible at the start of a string (up to the first slash) and puts this value in Group 1. I rarely need to use regular expression and really need some help. *) to make the regex engine stop before the last . Matches: FOOAbcdefg; FOO1234567 … deletes everything that’s been matched. C# usage. But I can't seem to be able to select the lines after that match. . *: + Match any char except a newline as much as possible followed by 1 or more spaces (\S+) capture group 1, match 1+ times a non whitespace char followed by a space; Regex demo Sep 24, 2013 · I am trying to craft a regular expression that will match all characters after (but not including) the first space in a string. Resulting in this output (this is what’s left over after the deletion): \0. , match the beginning or end of each line (delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the whole input string) Jul 16, 2017 · @IsmaelMiguel Shrug. I want to split a line after the last occurrence of a '-' character, my string would look like the following: POS--K 100 100 001 - 1462 I want to take the last number from this string after the last -, in this case 1462. net. Pattern to extract text between parenthesis. And use: . jpg", "5510. +) However, it matches the last space and I don't want it to. Jan 27, 2022 · You need to be more specific. Thank you very much. */ will match from the start of the line to the very last slash. R Fiddle Demo Jul 1, 2018 · I need to remove everything after a certain character. It will create an array. I'd like to remove everything before (including) the last slash, the result should look like my cat is handsome I googled this code which gives me everything before the last slash Feb 6, 2016 · If you want to make sure you only match digits at the beginning of the string, you can use the following regex: ^\d+\p{Zs} See demo. txt C:\Data\ToCopy\Folder2\Subfolder1\file4. Or even [a-zA-Z] doesn't work either. match() since it will only look for a match at the beginning of the string (Avinash aleady pointed that out, but it is a very important note!) See the regex demo and a sample Python code snippet: Oct 30, 2010 · will search for everything before the comma, including the comma. abridged <- substring(dob,1,8) dob [1] "9/9/43 1" "9/17/88 " "11/21/48" dob. . Aug 10, 2021 · I'm not very good at using regex. So for example when I find last "#" in ##### H6 - Create the best documentation\n\n . ". *\s)\K—— that is able to match the last —— of the document. jpg. Hence all the chars before last / will be captured in first brackets(. Nov 28, 2021 · The regex doesn't work for you since the case is a bit different That regex assumes the strings starts with http(s):// If all the test strings have 2 commas then the regex is very simple most programming/scripting lingos have some variant of a . Apr 13, 2013 · It allows 0 or more elements that are not a space, than a single space and selects whatever comes after that space. g. To match greedily (the default) means to match as many characters as possible. *\s) i get the word NL "this is a test NL-NL" with the code (. e. I've failed at May 12, 2016 · If you cannot use look-behinds, but your string is always in the same format and cannout contain more than the single hyphen, you could use ^[^-]*[^ -] for the first one and \w[^-]*$ for the second one (or [^ -][^-]*$ if the first non-space after the hyphen is not necessarily a word-character. I want the text to be manipulated so it reads this: monkey parrot bear. E. * will match a sequence of characters up until the first newline. Stack Overflow But the above regex gets the last space and everything after that But it isn't what I need, because the length of that word which is after @ and before space isn't always 5. GROCHAL. Get the first element of that array. Match(input, "[^ ]* (. txt C:\Data\ToCopy\Folder2\file3. For a one-off I just use the first one which works and in this case I only had to change 1 character to get both cases working :) Search for: /. After Mar 25, 2022 · Regex always tries to fit in most of the characters in the initial pattern while maintaining the overall pattern. (Your match) Demo Feb 7, 2013 · Follow these steps: Open your file in Notepad++. May 16, 2014 · After-u-math-how-however Output should be. replace(/ +\S*$/ig, ''); where the regex means: "At least one space, and any non-whitespace characters after it (\S*), at the end of the line ($). Then it consumes a / char. For the sake of example, Apr 1, 2015 · How can we remove the last part (after ". Feb 26, 2017 · How can I replace the first occurrence of a space with a comma, giving desired result: hi, hello. To get that first space as well in result string change expression to [^ ]*( . Apr 7, 2019 · With SubStr you extract everything after that position to the end of the string like this: StartingPos := InStr(var, " ") var := SubStr(var, StartingPos + 1) Note the + 1, it is there because you need to start extracting the text 1 position after the space, otherwise the space will be the first character in the extracted text. *? matches everything before the first space, the space matches Jul 25, 2019 · I think the other answers might be what you're looking for, but if you don't want to lose the original context you can try something like this: Option 1. This is what I want: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg It looks like that: I tried to follow: Match until the next (and not the last) space after a specific pattern. cmuiuu yfygx jvjp qrwkzbvq guv uoqahv ubti myibbhk pujbij ggjon uwkws kqmqwlj hbdqj kmbg eacm