Reverse grip vs wide grip lat pulldown So, which one reigns supreme? Let’s dive into the world of shoulder width vs wide grip lat pulldown and explore the pros and cons of each. Here are some of the facts of the case. Jul 10, 2024 · The Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown. This variation is particularly effective for developing the upper area of your back and creating that coveted V-shape. … Read more Jan 10, 2025 · Discover the Surprising Benefits of Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns Over Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. The choice of grip can influence the overall muscle activation and exercise difficulty. The reverse-grip lat pull-down emphasizes your brachialis (in your upper arm) and your lower lats, giving you lats that run farther down your sides. A recent study (2010) concluded that that the width do not really matter, what matters is the wrist position (pronated or supinated). Close-Grip Lat Pulldown The close-grip lat pulldown, sometimes called the narrow grip, targets the lower and mid-lat muscles. How To Do It Using a rack, pull up bar , or even a stable railing, take a wide grip (around 1. Medium grip lat pulldown: Scientific studies have proven that the medium grip length lat pulldown is the best of all of the grip lengths (see study here). At least in untrained beginners. If you are looking to build arm mass, the reverse grip is a good option. This grip emphasizes the upper back and lats, promoting a greater range of motion. Jul 2, 2011 · The wide grip pulldowns to the chest showed the greatest activity for the lattisimus dorsi compared to wide grip pull downs behind the neck, closed grip pull-downs (V grip), or a supinated grip. The lat pulldown is a compound exercise that primarily targets the latissimus dorsi (lats), the large muscles that give the back its characteristic V-shape. This variation targets the lats, as well as the biceps and **forearms**, promoting muscle mass and definition. The reverse-grip lat pulldown might have you feeling more of a burn in your forearms than the usual variation. But with variations like the reverse grip and wide grip, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. May 8, 2024 · The Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown, also known as the reverse grip lat pulldown, is a popular exercise for targeting the back muscles, especially the lower lats, while also providing significant engagement to the biceps and forearms. Jan 11, 2022 · Close Grip Supinated Lat Pulldown. Lat pull-downs are a staple back exercise that helps grow your “wings”, your latissimus dorsi muscles, otherwise known as your lats. true. Variations of the Lat Pulldown. Jun 23, 2024 · The lat pulldown is performed on a lat pulldown machine, where you sit with your feet firmly planted and grasp a pulldown bar. The longer lever arm allows for greater lat stretch at the bottom of the movement, leading to increased activation of these muscles. Keep your chest lifted and avoid swinging or leaning back to isolate the targeted back muscles. Aug 10, 2015 · Strap Up - If your grip gives out before your back and biceps then don't be afraid to use straps. Oct 27, 2024 · Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown: This variation involves using an underhand grip, with your palms facing you. But with variations like the reverse grip and wide grip, it can be difficult to know which one is… Aug 20, 2024 · Higher bicep activation was found for the medium and narrow grip lat pulldown vs the wide grip. Nov 22, 2023 · Close Grip Lat Pulldown vs Wide Grip. Benefits of Cable Row Narrow Grip The reverse grip lat pulldown uses a supinated (underhand) grip to train the lats and biceps. This grip shifts the emphasis towards the biceps, **brachialis**, and **forearms**, offering a more complete upper body workout. Oct 3, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. 1 2 Oct 26, 2021 · The most obvious alternative to the reverse grip lat pulldown is the overhand lat pulldown. The best grip for you will depend on your individual goals and needs. Reverse grip usually means that you‘ll use a narrower grip, with the elbows relatively close together. My only suggestion for this exercise is to try it with either a mid or wide grip. Remember to prioritize proper form and listen to your body. Its only noticeable difference is the use of a pronated (overhand) grip rather than the reverse. But from my experience, I’ve found that most people want to increase the width of their backs. It involves pulling a weighted bar down towards the chest while maintaining a wide overhand grip. May 20, 2024 · The choice between a close grip and a wide grip lat pulldown can influence which of these muscles are emphasized during the workout. Benefits of a Wide Grip; Which Grip Is Right for You? Tips for Performing Lat Pulldowns; Beyond the Narrow and Wide: Exploring Variations; The Verdict: A Balanced Approach Aug 20, 2024 · Higher bicep activation was found for the medium and narrow grip lat pulldown vs the wide grip. 6 Best Lat Pulldown Alternatives for a Strong and Muscular Back. (2010) compared the lat, bicep, and trap activation of four grips using different grip positions [3]. A narrow-grip lat pulldown will target more of the middle and upper back while a wide grip will target more of the lats. Apr 1, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a great exercise for building muscle and strength in the back. While lat pull-downs are a key Dec 18, 2024 · You can incorporate both close and wide grip lat pulldowns into your workout routine in various ways. Wide Lat Pulldown (Overhand Grip) Grip width: Wider than shoulder-width apart; Target muscles: Primarily latissimus dorsi, with some emphasis on the teres major and rhomboids Mar 6, 2024 · Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns Benefits: Increased Lat Engagement: The wide grip position places the hands further apart, allowing for a greater range of motion and increased activation of the lats. Sep 16, 2024 · Wide Grip Lat Pulldown. The lat pulldown is a versatile exercise that can be used to target a variety of muscle groups in the back. Benefits of the Wide Grip: Increased lat activation: The wide grip allows for a greater stretch of the lats, leading to a more intense contraction Sep 19, 2017 · (3:41)- Pull-Up Hack For Wider & Thicker Lats! | NO REPS NEEDED? https://www. com In this video, Dr. This is the one that everyone thinks of when it comes to the lat pulldown. The reverse grip lat pulldown is performed with an underhand grip, where your palms face your body. Conclusion: If lat activation is your goal, choose a wide or medium grip. Mar 9, 2024 · More Versatile: The overhand grip can be used for a wider range of lat pulldown variations, such as wide-grip and narrow-grip pulldowns. Mar 4, 2024 · A: Both wide and narrow grip lat pulldowns offer benefits. Nov 17, 2024 · Lat Pulldown vs Wide Grip Pulldown: Expert Insights and Tips for Optimal Results The lat pulldown is a popular exercise for building a strong and defined back. Two popular grip variations are the shoulder-width grip and the wide grip. The reverse grip lat pulldown involves holding the bar with your palms facing towards you. Gerakan Reverse Apr 14, 2021 · While both lat pulldowns and rows work your biceps, lat pulldowns seem to be slightly more effective for biceps growth and strength. This narrow grip further reduces upper back involvement. 5x shoulder width) to increase lat activation . 5 and over 2 times shoulder width. It effectively targets the latissimus dorsi, the large, flat muscle that stretches across your back, giving you… Read more Mar 18, 2024 · Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns Muscle Activation. Nov 2, 2023 · Pull ups are one of those exercises I always find myself returning to and are a great option for home training if you’re looking for an alternative for wide grip lat pulldowns. supinated grips, Lusk et al. Moving into an underhand-grip lat pulldown after chin-ups is the same movement pattern, and not the most effective way to train. If you’re looking to also strengthen your forearms and grip, you can do both lat pulldowns and pull-ups with fat grips. Narrow underhand grip more emphasis on the biceps as prime movers and upper portion of the lats. 5. It can also help to improve posture and reduce back pain. Mar 21, 2024 · Recommendations: Lat Pulldown Reverse Grip vs. 30 votes, 27 comments. This variation involves holding the bar with your palms facing you (supinated grip). Wide grip lat pulldowns involve using a wide overhand grip on the pull-up bar. Drawbacks: Increased Wrist Strain: The overhand grip can put more stress on the wrists, especially when using heavy weights or performing multiple sets. On the other hand, the reverse grip lat pulldown requires you to grip the bar underhand, with your palms facing you. Wide Grip Muscles Worked: Which is Better for Your Workout? The lat pulldown is a staple exercise in any back workout routine, and for good reason. In the starting position, you want to keep your rib cage as high as you can. Today, we’re diving into the world of lat pulldown narrow vs wide grip to help you understand the differences and choose the right grip for your needs. youtube. The wide grip lat pulldown is one of the favorite exercises of bodybuilders to hone in on working the upper area of the lats. Yet many people get this phenomenal exercise wrong. com/watch?v=KVOxhlkGJnE&index=113&t=1s&list=PLacPhVACI3MPmdZvXralM2yDlAF Sep 3, 2024 · The wide grip lat pulldown is better for those aiming to train their lats more directly, be that for strength or hypertrophy. Read on for a breakdown of the best lat pulldown bars for home and garage gyms. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown. Understanding the Lat Pulldown The lat pulldown is a compound exercise that primarily targets the latissimus dorsi muscles , which are the large, flat muscles that run along your back Dec 17, 2024 · However, the grip you choose can significantly impact the muscles worked and the overall benefits you reap. Aug 20, 2024 · Higher bicep activation was found for the medium and narrow grip lat pulldown vs the wide grip. If you wanted to focus on hypertrophy go with a wide grip. The underhand grip often allows for a greater range of motion, enabling you to fully extend your arms at the top of the movement and pull the bar lower towards your chest. Now that you know how to do a narrow grip lat pulldown, I will explain how it compares to the wide grip lat pulldown. This grip variation allows for a greater range of motion, enabling you to pull the bar further down towards your lower chest. Wide grip, more emphasis on the entire lat (all 6 parts of the muscle). This grip angle targets a broader area of the lats, including the upper and outer portions. To illustrate the difference, I’ll compare the body mechanics and muscles worked. Is it better to do wide-grip pulldowns or reverse-grip pulldowns? I wouldn’t say one is better than another, they’re just different. I always understood that wide grip targets lats more and close grip targets biceps more, but could be bro-science. When it comes to pronated vs. These are the V-shaped muscles that connect your arms to your vertebral column. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of these two exercises so that you know which one to incorporate into your training. TikTok video from DaveintheGym (@daveinthegym): “Discover the differences between wide grip and reverse grip lat pulldowns and how they can impact your workout routine. This grip emphasizes the horizontal abduction of the shoulder, leading to a more Jan 8, 2024 · Close Grip Lat Pulldown vs Wide Grip: Technique. This video is about pullups/chin ups, but the principle is exactly the same for a lat pulldown. Popular strap options Versa Gripps, Valeo, and Spud Inc. Compared to the wide grip, the medium grip puts less stress on the shoulder joint, lowering the risk of injury. I do them wide grip because close grip seems to bend my wrist into weird positions and an old injury there doesn't like it. The neutral grip and wide grip are two of the most common grips used for this exercise. Jul 24, 2024 · The reverse-grip lat pulldown isn’t all that mysterious — like its classic lat pulldown cousin, you sit down and pull. Close Grip Lat Pulldown: This variation utilizes an overhand grip, with your palms facing away from you. Nov 28, 2024 · Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown. Since you feel the close grip pulldowns in your lats, try doing a few sets of close grip pulldowns first to pre fatigue your lats. Here are some of the advantages of the reverse grip lat Apr 26, 2024 · The wide grip lat pulldown is a versatile exercise that can be performed with several variations, including the close grip pulldown, the standard wide grip, the reverse grip and neutral grips. It also engages the rhomboids, trapezius, and rear deltoids to a greater degree. But when it comes to grip variations, the debate between reverse grip lat pulldown vs close grip often arises. The grip width in a lat pulldown significantly impacts the muscle activation pattern. Gerakan Reverse Jul 8, 2024 · Comparison of Lat Pulldown Variations Close vs Wide Grip Lat Pulldown Muscles Worked. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: Adopting a wider grip tends to engage the lats more intensively, promoting a wider back appearance. Jim Stoppani covers the differ Dec 24, 2024 · Wide Grip: A wide grip, with hands farther apart, puts more emphasis on your **rhomboids**, **traps**, and **posterior deltoids**. You're able to generate more power (use more weight), and it is a more complete exercise than a widegrip overhand pulldown which almost exclusively hits your upper lats. 4. Here, our Personal Trainer demonstrates ho Apr 27, 2022 · The chin-up vs lat pulldown goes as far back as lat pulldowns themselves. Olympia reign, I never did a single set of wide-grip chins or lat pulldowns. 1. Everyone will have an easier time with certain exercises, I also personally feel the close grip pulldown in my lower lats a lot more, my grip tends to fail during wide grip pull downs. This isn’t directly due to lat activation per se, but Aug 22, 2024 · The reverse grip lat pulldown, also known as the Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown, is a popular back exercise that targets the upper back muscles uniquely compared to the traditional lat pulldown. Hal ini senada dengan penelitian yang diambil dalam The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research tahun 2002 yang mengatakan bahwa jika melakukan wide grip pulldown sampai pada puncak garis dada atas akan sangat melibatkan adanya kontraksi pada beberapa otot lats jika dibandingkan dengan gerakan reverse grip lat pulldown. Learn which grip is best for muscle growth, strength, and your fitness level. The same applies to a close-grip lat pulldown. This grip emphasizes the latissimus dorsi (lats), the large muscles that run along your back. In other words, wide grip pronated grip isolates the lats best. Like the conventional lat pulldown , this exercise works the lats, however, the middle back and biceps are more involved which means most people can lift heavier loads. But with so many variations, it can be hard to know which grip is best for your goals. Oct 6, 2016 · The wide-grip lat pull-down is great for your upper lats and teres major. Both grips offer unique advantages and drawbacks, and the best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Dec 23, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. Lat Pulldown Instructions. Benefits of a Narrow Grip; Lat Pulldown Wide Grip: Targeting the Lats and Back Muscles. wide grip lat pulldowns. Wide Grip Supinated Lat Pulldown. Wide-grip Pulldowns. Mar 2, 2024 · Lat Pulldown: The Classic Back Builder. The focus of this exercise should be to work the lats, biceps, and appropriate supporting muscles. Most people have their own personal preferences and their verdict usually doesn’t make sense to others. This grip also allows you to use more weight. This can be achieved using a neutral grip lat pulldown bar or by using a standard lat pulldown bar with a wider grip. Both wide and close grip lat pulldowns contribute to back mass development, but the wide grip variation places more emphasis on width, while the close grip variation focuses on thickness. Ask Question? Are you gripping your lat pulldown bar correctly? The answer could be the game-changer in your back-building journey. If you start your workout with pull-ups, it would be best to use the underhand-grip version of a lat pulldown for your second exercise. This small change in grip can make a significant difference in muscle engagement: Biceps; Latissimus Dorsi; Forearms Oct 25, 2024 · The Basics of Lat Pulldowns; Lat Pulldown Narrow Grip: Targeting the Lats and Biceps. Reverse grip lat pulldowns, a machine-based exercise, offer a controlled and adjustable way to target the back muscles. Feb 22, 2021 · 1. Wide Grip The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. Benefits of Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns: Drawbacks of Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns: Choosing the Right Grip for You; Tips for Performing Lat Pulldowns; Lat Pulldown Variations: Beyond Just Grip; Optimizing Your Lat Oct 18, 2024 · Today, we’re diving into the wide grip vs medium grip lat pulldown debate, exploring the pros and cons of each variation and helping you determine which one is best for your fitness goals. Conversely, a close grip shifts some focus to the middle lats and biceps. Leaning Oct 20, 2024 · Unlocking the Secrets of Close Grip Lat Pulldown vs. Weighted pull-ups: Hang from the bar with an overhand grip, engage your core, and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Lat pulldowns are a killer exercise for a stronger and muscular back. The muscles used when doing the wide grip lat pulldown are: Latissimus Dorsi; Rhomboids; Trapezius; Biceps Brachii; The wide grip lat pulldown is the most lat-dominant pulldown variation. At least equally good as barbell curls. Adopting various hand placements on the bar while executing these movements shifts muscle engagement. Advantages Dec 11, 2024 · The Reverse (Underhand) Grip Lat Pulldown. The bar is typically wider than a close grip, engaging more of the upper back and biceps. Oct 16, 2024 · The lat pulldown can be performed with various grips, including wide grip, close grip, neutral grip, and reverse grip, each targeting different muscle groups to a greater extent. To utilizing the traditional wide grip pulldown method. Jun 12, 2024 · Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown: Focusing on Back Thickness. A third option is a wide grip supinated lat pulldown. Narrow Lat Pulldown Grip. Dec 22, 2024 · The underhand lat pulldown, also known as the wide grip lat pulldown, involves using a wider grip with your palms facing you. Aug 12, 2024 · There have long been debates about which is better between seated rows and lat pulldowns, but the truth is the same as wide-grip vs. Other research supports the superiority of an overhand grip (regardless of grip-width) if your goal is to maximize lat muscle activation [2]. then reverse the motion. But did you know that the grip width you choose can significantly impact the muscles worked and the overall benefits of the exercise? The close grip lat pulldown vs wide grip lat pulldown debate is a common one, as both variations offer unique advantages. Because of that, I generally prescribe more wide-grip pulldowns than narrow or reverse-grip. Dec 8, 2024 · The Ultimate Showdown: Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown vs Close Grip Lat Pulldown The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. Mar 18, 2021 · So – based on these studies alone, lat pulldowns with a wide, pronated grip seem to work your biceps very well. A wide grip emphasizes the upper portion of the lats, promoting width and enhancing the V-taper look. Mar 3, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a fundamental exercise for developing the latissimus dorsi, the large muscles on your back that give you that coveted V-taper. But when it comes to grip, there's a debate: neutral grip vs pronated lat pulldown. May 11, 2022 · You can also change the muscles that are used in lat pulldowns slightly by changing your grip. Reverse-grip, also called a supinated grip or underhand grip, lat pulldowns with your palms facing you shift the focus onto your biceps. Wide grip pulldowns require the lats to work to move the largest portion of the weight used. It widens them and gives you that broad v-taper. You don't need to necessarily use the handle all the way at the end. If you’re following an upper/lower split, for example, your upper body workouts might involve 8 total sets for the upper back (4 sets of reverse grip lat pulldowns and 4 sets of rows), performed twice a week. The wider grip allows for a greater range of motion, which increases the stretch on your lats and promotes muscle growth. I prefer the lat pull but are there any muscles that benefit more from chin-up ? Unless your goal is to get really good at one specific variation of lat pull down, I would do a mix. Sep 27, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and impressive back. We put together 10 of the best lat pull down variations that will help you build an all-around beast of a back. Oct 17, 2024 · Revolutionize Your Workout: Discover the Hidden Benefits of Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown vs. Wide grip maximizes lat width and shoulder stability, while narrow grip isolates the inner lats and develops biceps and forearms. While lat pull-downs are a key . Jul 31, 2024 · Wide: A wide grip generally falls anywhere between 1. Supersets: Perform a set of close grip lat pulldowns immediately followed by a set of wide grip lat pulldowns without rest. This variation places more emphasis on the lower lats and the biceps, contributing to back thickness and greater pulling strength. This shifts the focus more towards the vertical fibers of the latissimus, similar to a chin up (vs a pull-up). Effects of grip width on muscle strength and activation in the lat pull Oct 22, 2024 · In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nuances of chin ups vs reverse grip lat pulldowns, breaking down their benefits, drawbacks, and how to incorporate them into your workout routine. This grip, also known as the ‘wide-grip,’ targets the latissimus dorsi muscles effectively, promoting better activation and development. Questions? May 6, 2024 · The lat pull down is one of the most versatile back exercises that can be done. When performing wide-grip lat pulldowns, use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width. The lat pulldown is a cornerstone of most back-building programs. Biomechanically, this grip length allows us to activate our muscles the most effectively, moving more load and generating the most muscle growth. The lats help stabilize and protect the spine while providing strength in the shoulders and back, also helping to support movement and posture. Nov 4, 2024 · The lat pulldown vs reverse grip debate ultimately comes down to personal preference and goals. The wide grip lat pulldown, characterized by a grip wider than shoulder-width, emphasizes the upper lats and **rear deltoids**. There are many variations of the lat pulldown, including: Wide-grip lat pulldown: This variation targets the outer lats more effectively. I like a progression of: 1 set wide 1 set narrow 1 set underhand This way you’re going from hardest to easiest, so you can use the same weight and then progressing to an easier variation automatically accounts for increasing fatigue. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: Building Width and Size. I prefer medium-grip underhand pulldowns. Mar 14, 2024 · Wide vs. But with so many variations, it can be tough to know which one is best for you. Jan 17, 2025 · Two popular choices are the reverse grip lat pulldown vs wide grip, each targeting different muscle groups and offering unique benefits. Here is how to perform the correct form. Mar 25, 2024 · The wide grip lat pulldown, a staple for targeting the outer latissimus dorsi and improving overall back strength, involves gripping the bar with a width wider than shoulder-width. One common point of debate is the grip width: wide grip vs normal grip. Improved Back Thickness: Wide grip lat pulldowns help build a wider and thicker back by targeting the outer portion of the lats. The wider grip gives you room to pull more vertically while maintaining a more upright torso angle. This probably means that other variations of lat pulldowns (supinated grip, and narrower grip width) and also pull-ups are good for training your biceps. Aug 20, 2024 · Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: A Focus on Width. Sep 5, 2024 · Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown: This grip involves holding the bar with your palms facing you, also known as an underhand grip. Unfortunately, the other thought associated with the wide grip lat pulldown is the image of someone jerking the weight down and rocking their body for the sole purpose of moving the pinned weight on the stack. Nov 26, 2024 · Generally speaking, the more you widen your grip on a lat pulldown — whether with a pronated or supinated grip — the weaker you’ll get. A wide grip lat pull down uses a smaller range of motion but increases the tension on the lats. This blog post will delve into the intricacies of both grips, highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and how to choose the right one for your goals. Wide grip lat pulldowns involve a wider-than-shoulder-width grip on the pull-up bar. The lat pulldown is one of the most effective compound exercises that you can do to build a beautiful back. Actually, they seem to be on par with pure bicep exercises like barbell curls. However, I don’t recommend this variation since it can put excess strain on Feb 28, 2024 · Understanding the differences between the lat pulldown narrow vs wide grip is essential for optimizing your back development. But that doesn’t mean that you’re impervious to mistakes. By tailoring your grip width to your individual needs and goals, you can effectively target the various muscles of your back and achieve the desired results. Effects of grip width on muscle strength and activation in the lat pull Nov 14, 2024 · Benefits of Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: Drawbacks of Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown: For Thickness and Strength. Then, switch to a wide grip Jun 15, 2017 · The Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown | How To Perform It CorrectlyIf you like the video, hit the like button and please subscribe if you haven't already. Grab a lat pulldown bar with an overhand grip outside of shoulder width and sit on the seat with your knees secured underneath Sep 26, 2017 · The same goes for chin-ups. Basically, all back exercises activate the lats. Reverse grip lat pulldowns are a back and bicep-building rather than a grip-building exercise. Alternating Grips: Perform a set of close grip lat pulldowns followed by a set of wide grip lat pulldowns. The reverse grip pulldown works some of the muscle groups in your back and arms, such as the latissimus dorsi, the teres major (one of the back muscles near the latissimus dorsi), the biceps brachii, and the posterior deltoid. It is also better for those with goals of improving their pull-up strength or simply looking to train in a higher rep range than they can currently perform with pull-ups. Feb 8, 2018 · This means that the wide-grip overhand lat pulldown directed more muscle activation to the lats and less to the biceps as compared to a narrow underhand- or reverse-grip variation [1]. Nov 28, 2012 · Want full access to one of the most educated minds in the fitness industry? Check out www. In this move, you grasp the pulldown bar with an underhand (reverse) grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Rows, like pulldowns, work your lats, biceps, and forearms, though pulldowns lend themselves a bit more toward your biceps. Using a wide grip while performing lat pulldowns offers several benefits. #ethiopian #gym #latpulldown #daveinthegym”. Reply reply The highest latissimus dorsi to biceps ratio of activation occurred during the wide grip pulldown and the seated row source. May 6, 2024 · The lat pull down is one of the most versatile back exercises that can be done. Adding accessory work to SS. Questions? Dec 23, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. My two choices for vertical pulling were always a narrow underhand grip for lat pulldowns, which I would go up to 400 pounds on, and the Hammer Strength Iso-lateral pulldown machine. Both the lat pulldown reverse grip and the normal grip can be effective exercises for building back mass. Wide-grip lat pulldowns will help work your upper lats More Lat Pulldown Guides: ⭐ 5 Best Lat Pulldown Bars for Home Gyms. Both grips target the… Read more Sep 19, 2018 · Hal ini senada dengan penelitian yang diambil dalam The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research tahun 2002 yang mengatakan bahwa jika melakukan wide grip pulldown sampai pada puncak garis dada atas akan sangat melibatkan adanya kontraksi pada beberapa otot lats jika dibandingkan dengan gerakan reverse grip lat pulldown. As for lat pulldowns, all grip widths of a lat pulldown will work your lats, but you can emphasize them more with a wider grip. Dec 22, 2024 · The Ultimate Showdown: Neutral Grip vs Pronated Lat Pulldown Explained The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and defined back. Throughout my Mr. Mar 28, 2024 · Both V-grip lat pulldown and wide-grip lat pulldown are valuable exercises for developing a strong and aesthetically pleasing back. Nov 29, 2023 · I recommend using a wide, overhand grip for lat pull-downs. Both the V bar lat pulldown and wide grip lat pulldown offer unique benefits for building a strong and well-rounded back. Normal. The best grip for you will depend on your individual goals and abilities. I'm a small guy so that wide of a grip is impractical Jul 10, 2024 · The wide grip lat pulldown utilizes an overhand grip, with your hands positioned wider than shoulder-width apart. Feb 26, 2024 · While both wide and close grip lat pulldowns work the lats, they emphasize different muscle fibers and produce unique results. For simple strength building just go with a medium grip because it's going to give good tension over a good range of motion. Nov 10, 2021 · The Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown (Underhand) is a lat pulldown variation which works better to target the lower lats. Slightly tilt your Dec 20, 2024 · The lat pulldown is a staple exercise for building a strong and muscular back. Benefits: 2608 Likes, 34 Comments. Take a wide-as-possible overhand grip on a lat bar attached to the high pulley of a lat pulldown station. Mar 6, 2024 · Lat pulldowns: Sit upright with your back straight, grip the bar with an overhand grip, and pull the bar down to your chest. Jan 22, 2025 · By understanding the distinct benefits of both the regular and reverse grip lat pulldowns, you can tailor your workout to target your back muscles effectively. First, here is a short video illustrating the differences between the close grip and the wide grip. But with different grip variations, you might be wondering which one is best for you. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown: With this grip, your palms face each other, similar to holding a hammer. Another option is to put your hands closer together to get more internal arm rotation. Oct 22, 2024 · Today, we’ll dive into the lat pulldown vs reverse grip lat pulldown, exploring their differences, advantages, and how to choose the right one for your goals. Dec 12, 2021 · Reverse Grip Pulldown: Other Muscles Worked. By understanding the mechanics, benefits, and variations of each grip, you can choose the best variation for your individual goals and optimize your back training. This blog Dec 18, 2024 · The wide grip pull-down involves using a wider than shoulder-width grip on the bar. If you are looking to build back thickness Apr 12, 2024 · Muscles Used During Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns. Aug 11, 2024 · Explore the pros and cons of close grip vs. Apr 8, 2024 · The Bottom Line: Lat Pulldown Neutral vs Wide Grip. Q: How often should I perform lat pulldowns? A: Aim for 1-2 times per week, allowing for adequate rest and recovery. A wide grip targets the upper part of the lats and gives a V-shape to the back muscles. close-grip: They work together toward the same goals. Jimstoppani. Feb 14, 2024 · Using a wider grip allows your shoulder blades to pinch together as you pull the bar down and fully contract the lats. Grip Position. When you grip the bar wider than shoulder-width apart, you primarily target the upper lats and teres major muscles. For optimal back size and shape, is it better to do wide-grip pulldowns or reverse-grip pulldowns? We decided to find out. rrq tgunc tmaqntsp rfa wjsp qjyyo fcoj grn kcs ficr dheqj bjwi taosi gvg ivdqbh