Stimulsoft js documentation example. This allows you to include script files in your index.
Stimulsoft js documentation example designer. Here we will review how to pass data from code in a report, export reports to various file formats, inherit reports, work with the components and more: In the o nEmailReport event you can find the type of the export, get the report, and also get the report export settings and change them, if necessary. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks JavaScript samples for Dashboards. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks C# and JavaScript samples for BI Server client-server application for Business Intelligence, API usage examples - stimulsoft/Samples-Server-API-for-JS-and-NET Reports and Dashboards for JS. Integrate Stimulsoft into the application To do this, edit the App. Also, the viewer supports the Touch interface, which is automatically enabled when using devices with a touch screen. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks The HTML5 Viewer is configured using properties that are located in the Stimulsoft. renderHtml("content"); //Example add custom button to home toolbar panel. JS product contains server data adapters implemented using PHP, Node. 1 . No topics above this level Reports and Dashboards for JS. JS is a set of reporting tools designed on JavaScript and HTML5 technologies. This application consists of an HTML page and JS scripts. Welcome to the Stimulsoft Demo! Here, you will find numerous professional document templates created using Stimulsoft products. First, import the Stimulsoft module and the onMounted() method. The report generator works in any JavaScript application, and installation of any browser extensions or frameworks is not required. js, PHP, . The generated HTML code is passed as parameters to the HTML template report. js and JavaScript applications. maps. <script type="text/javascript"> // Create a new report Information . If HTML tags are used in a text expression then any line breaks in that expression are ignored. js Reports and Dashboards for JS. This repository contains the source code of the examples of usage Stimulsoft Dashboards. This example shows how to show the report viewer on the HTML page and view a report using JavaScript. js Stimulsoft. 2. JS and Dashboards. stimulsoft. renderAsync Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text. js, ASP. engine. The following is an example of setting the properties of the viewer. The sample represents an export to popular formats, if you need you can use any other exports in the same scenario. js applications, using JavaScript data engine. jsObject. Supply Custom Headers for JSON Database This example shows how to supply custom headers for JSON Database. JS product contains server data adapters implemented using Node. Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments to the video. It enables or disables the display of the Preview button in the designer toolbar. http Headers Container Files of Stimulsoft Designer. StiDesigner(options, "StiDesigner", false); // Assign the onSaveReport Reports and Dashboards for JS. Step 1: Create a folder; Step 2: Add a report template in this folder; Step 3: Create index. js" files of the Stimulsoft Reports. : 2022. Also YouTube . Parameters of GroupBlock(groupName, groupText) method. 4. JS on the GitHub. vue file in the project's src folder. If you activate license using a string, you can add its code by a certain condition. Perhaps you have your own ideas and suggestions? Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text. Files of Stimulsoft Designer. This repository contains the source code of the examples of usage Stimulsoft Reports. JS reporting tool for Angular and AngularJS applications - stimulsoft/Samples-Reports. html Preview Mode: StiHtmlPreviewMode = StiHtmlPreviewMode. viewer. The script contains resources for working with region maps. This feature is available in the editor in view mode. html file Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Reports. StiDesignerOptions(); options. This example shows how to integrate the dashboard viewer into a Vue. For example, use the code below to load a report from file Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Dashboards. StiViewer() constructor, which can accept non-required arguments as input: options is a set of options that can be found in the Stimulsoft. Jan 31, 2023 · In the documentation class is just shown with all the members, no explanation when to use, before or after creating a report, what are effects of documented methods, there is no line with valid parameters, just for lead. You can add a custom function to the Dictionary in the report designer when you integrate it into your application. Stimulsoft has 62 repositories available. jsdelivr. js Information . How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks The report. The HTML5 Viewer component allows you to export the displayed report to around three dozen of various formats, such as PDF , HTML , Word , Excel , CSV . chart. js can be split into *: stimulsoft. JS You can use our engine without problems on the client-side with zero server dependencies. Use report builder on the client and on Node. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Aug 2, 2023 · We will name these folders "scripts" and "reports". Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Dashboards. js applications, using JavaScript report engine. js. js file in the project's folder. Vanilla JavaScript; Vanilla JavaScript and CDN Services; Angular JS; React JS; Vue JS; Node JS; Step by Step for Browser; Step by Step for Node. JS reporting tool in the Node. Here we will review how to pass data from code in a report, export reports to various file formats, inherit reports, work with the components and more: Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Reports. js; HTML5 Viewer. Installation and running Use npm to install requred modules: This example shows how to integrate the report viewer into a Vue. js file in this folder; Step 4: Open console; Step 5: Install the Reports. Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text. NET, Java, . How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Protection against license key theft. For example: This is a <b>simple <i>expression {1+2}</i></b> If a tag is not closed, then the tag works to the end of the text line. The documentation describes the basics of using the API of our software. There are no other projects in the npm registry using stimulsoft-dashboards-js. You can create a StiViewer object using the Stimulsoft. js and Dashboards for Node. NET Framework This example shows how to install and run Stimulsoft JS for Browser. No action is required to run the designer with a new (empty) report. JavaScript is a prototype-oriented scripting programming language. Viewer. This example shows how to change the viewer default theme. User manuals for Stimulsoft reporting tools. js JavaScript samples for Reports. html var designer = new Stimulsoft. Angular HTML Node. This example shows how to load a report and assign it to the viewer. The latest version of documentation for developers give you technical assistance in using and creating online dashboards and reports. Products Reports. mrt. NET Core, Python, Java technologies. All properties are divided into groups. Since the viewer only uses HTML and JavaScript technologies, it can be run on devices where there is no Flash or Silverlight support - tablets, smartphones. Cookies store useful information on your computer to help us improve efficiency and usability. com This example shows how to install and run Stimulsoft JS for Browser. js 3 application. In this case, to trigger a JavaScript event, you need to add the function itself as a string or lines of code to the handler. See on GitHub examples of working with the JS HTML5 Designer component. appearance. mrt". Stimulsoft Dashboards. First, you need to import the Stimulsoft module. NET, . The HTML5 Designer ( StiDesigner ) component is designed to create reports in the web browser. This sample project demonstrates how to export reports to the necessary format from code and save the result. html file via their URLs. Than you could use this file in the Rich text component of the report. For example, the reports folder will contain the report file Invoice. API usage examples stimulsoft/Samples-Server-API-for-JS-and-NET’s past year of commit JavaScript samples for Dashboards. StiDesigner(designerOptions, "StiDesigner", false); designer. Description. This allows you to include script files in your index. NET, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Blazor, Angular, WPF, WinForms, Avalonia UI, Python, and others. The script for working with the report viewer. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right platform. js 14 and higher. JS reporting tool in the React applications, using JavaScript code and React components. JS will work perfectly with node. If this is not possible, you should add the following scripts to the project. 1. All is ready! This example shows how to export a report to the PDF format from code. At the same time you can on the Node. Latest version: 2023. To set up, copy all the ". Quick Start. Also in this event, you should set parameters of sending e-mail, such as sender address, server name, port number, user name and password - all these parameters will be used to send email. JS provides tools for designing, viewing, converting reports and dashboards for JavaScript. NET 6. js application. stimulosft. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. The HTML5 Designer component has two ways of saving the report which are available in the main menu and in the main panel of the designer - Save Report and Stimulsoft Reports. var homePanel = designer. 0 . How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Reports and Dashboards for JS. html, where it is displayed in the required places. JS Engine Events This example illustrates loading of the report, data rendering and saving the result to the mdc-file. This example demonstrates adding a custom font, loading of the dashboard, data rendering and storing the result to the PDF-document. This example shows how to install and run Stimulsoft JS for Node. js platform for working with reports, there is no possibility to call a JavaScript function by name, as no HTML template is used. JS product into the "scripts" folder, and copy the required reports into the "reports" folder. Server Web Assembly Apr 2, 2021 · Also as a way you could open the HTML text, that you want to add to a report, in the Word and save it in the rtf file. This example shows how to add font to resource for reports. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Stimulsoft Reports. Company. You need to create the report object of the StiReport type, then load the report template file by calling the loadFile() method. JS data analytics tool for Angular and AngularJS applications - stimulsoft/Samples-Dashboards. js server. JS is part of Stimulsoft Ultimate, a comprehensive All-in-One set of products designed for working with data on all modern platforms such as . Also, you can find more samples Reports. Products Dashboards. The HTML5 Designer component has two ways of saving the report which are available in the main menu and in the main panel of the designer - Save Report and Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Reports. js server-side . Watch videos which show how to activate the JS components. Step 1: Open your html file in editor. Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. Using Parameters in SQL Query This example shows how to use the SQL data sources with parameters in the report. Installation and running Use npm to install requred modules: Jul 27, 2015 · Another issue of concern to some users is whether it is possible to have Stimulsoft Reports. For example, Stimulsoft Reports. JS module loading: Using Report Variables in Code This example shows the use variables (report parameters) in the web reports using POST (values are passed to the request using a form) and GET (values are passed in the URL request) methods. The dashboard builder and examples are fully compatible with Node. Apr 3, 2023 · Stimulsoft Dashboards. When using the Node. js on the GitHub. . The main script of the report generator. There are 5 other projects in the npm registry using stimulsoft-reports-js. This example shows how to change the designer default theme. After adding the custom function, you can use this in creating reports and dashboards. Subscribe to the Stimulsoft channel to find out about the new video lessons uploaded. This example illustrates loading of the dashboard, data rendering and storing the result to the PDF-document. NET Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. net service: Stimulsoft Dashboards. getHtml() function generates HTML code for connecting the necessary resources, while the report. JS on the server side? The answer is – yes, it is possible. Reports and Dashboards for JS. Use this online stimulsoft-reports-js playground to view and fork stimulsoft-reports-js example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. The property has the true value by default. If you want to export your rendered report to HTML, you could set next static option This part describes an example of quickly deploying Stimulsoft in pure JavaScript applications. Name. options. js React Vue 3 Vue. Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Reports. JS is a reporting tool for Node. JS data visualization tool for HTML and native JavaScript applications - stimulsoft/Samples-Dashboards. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! This part describes an example of using Stimulsoft components in React applications. Create an Angular project In the terminal navigate to the directory where you want to place the new project. JS is a dashboards tool for Node. Installation and running Use npm to install requred modules: Triggering JavaScript events on the Node. This example shows how to save the rendered report document in the JSON file. JS ver. JS module in this Since pure JavaScript does not have built-in methods for working with remote databases, this functionality is implemented using server-side code. This example shows how to export the report to the HTML format from code. Create an index. Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. Latest version: 2025. js HTML tags can be nested to an unlimited depth. Stimulsoft This example illustrates loading of the report, data rendering and exporting the result to the PDF-document. Div Specifies the HTML mode which is used for viewing report in the webviewer. net service: This chapter describes an example of using Stimulsoft components in Angular JS applications. The product contains everything you need to create, edit, build, view The functionality of the electronic signature in Stimulsoft PDF Forms allows you, in two ways, to leave a unique digital footprint in the document. The code examples in the documentation use the Flask framework, as it is one of the most popular and easy-to-understand frameworks. // Render report with registered data report. Below is the example of adding a function for calculating the sum total. The first is an electronic signature as a combination of time and graphic elements that link the document and its author. It enables the display of toolbar in the report designer. Therefore, Stimulsoft Reports. Start using stimulsoft-dashboards-js in your project by running `npm i stimulsoft-dashboards-js`. getHtml() function generates HTML code for working with the reporting tool. For this example template, we will be using a report named "SimpleList. For example, you can change the font and color for text of the control panel of the viewer, set the background of the viewer, set the color of page borders, etc. Follow their code on GitHub. First, you need to create the report object of the StiReport type, then load the report template file by calling the loadFile() method. Start using stimulsoft-reports-js in your project by running `npm i stimulsoft-reports-js`. reports. javascript. Also, you can find more samples Reports for Node. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies for analytics and personalized content. Some of the groups contain subgroups for ease of use. visible. See full list on github. JS Find more information in the Online Documentation. Generate PDF from JSON and MRT files using Stimulsoft JS in Node. All samples are separate projects, grouped into one solution. Integrate Stimulsoft into the application To do this, edit the index. JS. JS Engine Data Events This example illustrates loading of the report and load Json-data, data rendering and saving the result to the mdc-file. This sample demonstrates how to create a simple list report. js Python React Vue 3 Vue. You can also modify the template and styles blocks here. JS data visualization tool in the Node. You can use any web framework; all classes and functions for working with components are universal. NET Framework Sample projects for the Stimulsoft Reports. These services provide access to script files via URLs from the npm packages stimulsoft-reports-js and stimulsoft-dashboards-js. BLAZOR Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. If you need to enforce a line break in your text, use the <br> tag. It allows users to remove different solutions for different goals and use the universal report generator Stimulsoft Reports. js This can be any js file, for example index. Install the npm package to use the HTML5 Viewer in a project to view reports and dashboards stimulsoft-dashboards-js: npm install stimulsoft-dashboards-js . <script type="text/javascript"> // Set the full screen mode for the designer var options = new Stimulsoft. fullScreenMode = true; // Create the report designer with specified options var designer = new Stimulsoft. JS-for-Angular Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text. NET Core technologies. showPreviewButton. Add reports to the project Copy the folder with reports to the project. Two methods of the StiReport object are used to load a report – loadFile() and load() . Date: January 2025. Select the required category, click on one of the documents, and explore the features of creating reports, dashboards, and forms. For example, using the cdn. 3, last published: 12 days ago. To write interactive applications need to respond to changes in the application. The script is necessary for working with charts. homePanel; //Add buttons group to insert panel. . NET, ASP. JS-for-Angular Stimulsoft Reports. We are glad to welcome you to the online version of the documentation of Stimulsoft Reports products. Below is a list of available properties that change the appearance of the viewer, and their default values. How this Works; Showing Reports; Using Themes; Printing Reports; Exporting Reports; Viewing Modes; Work with Parameters; Work with Bookmarks Since pure JavaScript does not have built-in methods for working with remote databases, this functionality is implemented using server-side code. JS Our sample projects and report templates can help you learn the basics of working with our products. For example, you want to add a license key for registered users. - stimulsoft/Reports. NET Core 3. JS Application; (json) – loads a report from the JS object. JS-for-HTML Reports and Dashboards for JS. 3 Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text. 3, last published: 9 days ago. The report generator and examples are fully compatible with any React version. This example illustrates loading of the report, data rendering and exporting the result to the HTML-file. Designer. The report generator and examples are fully compatible with Node. For example, use the code below to load a report from file Reports and Dashboards for JS. JS Quick Start Engine Export This example illustrates loading of the dashboard, data rendering and storing the result to the Excel-file. Reports. The database adapter is a software layer between the DBMS and the client script. StiViewerOptions class. In order to write interactive applications it is needed to respond to changes in the application. In addition, it is possible to set the parameters of appearance for the main items of the viewer. xnmwwn vylxu jaqzppc groof avc rne gvdkhb txiz fwotb qmktlav lojdfkk wkma ndriaz ujflv ndcv