What are the chances my jury duty group gets called in. I was called for Monroe County fall 2016.
What are the chances my jury duty group gets called in But chances are you won't get that trial - jurors are randomly allocated to trials, so they have no way to know what trial you will get. Definitely leave for lunch, the culinary school close by is neat and lots of other options within a few blocks. Mar 29, 2020 · Jury duty gets a whole lot of hate because it really is quite a hassle: during jury duty, you’re not allowed contact with the outside world so as to minimize any undue bias in your decision making. Good luck! Oct 30, 2024 · VERIFY reader Jim recently asked us if voting in an election makes someone more likely to be called for jury duty. Then every afternoon for the week I was on-call I'd get a call if i needed to show up in person the next day or not. ” 4 days ago · Jury service is frequently viewed as an inconvenient and time-consuming chore that requires people to request time off work, arrange childcare, or cancel big plans. Just trying to figure out what I am supposed to do. I am hearing sometimes you go to the court house other times you don't. S. Oct 30, 2024 · New York’s Ulster County Board of Elections says “do not give up your right to vote in the hope that you will avoid jury duty. Don’t have to go in Monday but I was wondering if my chances of getting called in decrease as the week goes on or if every day there is a roughly even chance? You go through orientation where they explain what’s going on for the day. The call-in procedure is as follows: Call (844) 509-1211 on the night before your term of service begins, after 6:00 PM and proceed as instructed. I logged into the portal and I just had to do another jury duty 🤷🏻♀️ I checked in for 2 days online then I was dismissed. I was excused. I am a lawyer now and I would love to get called for jury duty. To learn more about Iowa's jury selection process by reading the information below or you may view the latest jury instructional video - A Jury of Our Peers. In the age of smartphones and screen addiction, jury duty can be torturous. As long as they get enough people show up nothing will ever happen. Having a lower number definitely increases your chances of being called. If you are seated on a jury you start getting paid mileage on the second day based on the center of your zip code, not your actual address. To request a postponement, you may return the bottom of the summons to the Jury Services office via mail, email, in person, or fax, you can also click here to reschedule your appearance date online. I did all of the things on-line including the Zoom test. It's weird though. If you are not selected Yes and no. Jul 31, 2024 · Jurors in the UK are selected randomly from the electoral register. Q: How soon will I receive my jury payment after I’ve completed my jury service? A: Jurors generally will receive their payment checks 5 to 21 days after they complete their service. The trial does not always start the very next day. 5 days ago · You are required to report to work until your group is called in. It’s just so weird how much variation there is! This is a really specific question but my Jury Duty call in date is on Monday and I found that I'm in the batch of groups that has to call in at 11:30 am that day instead of the usual 5 pm. Usually I’m super stoked for jury duty because I get the full day off and I get paid for every day I’m there however my future mother in law got surgery and she’s high risk and my fiancée is taking care of her. Parking is free in the locations specified. If you cannot participate in the standby service process, contact the Jury Commissioner's Office immediately and staff will further direct you. You need to be there. hi, I have been called to serve as trial juror on standby status next week, my group number is 226. They never called me up to ask me questions and I didn’t get selected. Is it possible that I might report for jury duty but never get to sit on a jury? Unfortunately yes. If you do get called in with the group to go to a court room, then the judge will talk to the whole group. Oct 17, 2023 · “Jury service is a valuable experience for jurors and essential to the courts. It has been long enough, and his rights were reinstated years ago, so he could serve if he were picked, but he gets out of jury duty by telling them the truth. Jun 5, 2015 · The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) estimates that in a given year, 32 million people get summoned for service — though only 8 million of them actually report for jury duty (there are What Are the Chances My Jury Duty Group Gets Called In? The chances of getting chosen for jury duty are relatively slim. A few months later they sent me another summons, and said if I missed that second jury duty assignment I would get fined. The real secret to getting out of jury duty is to speak up and answer questions. Will be out of town that week, but thinking of keeping the date and just hoping I don’t get called cause it’s a holiday. I haven't been keeping careful track, but I think my stats (in Atlanta proper) are: 6 summons received in the mail | +- 2 times let off the hook via voicemail the night before +- 4 times reporting to the Jury Assembly room | +- 2 times only a few people there; all dismissed before lunch +- once lots of people there; some called, I was dismissed | mid-afternoon +- once called to a courtroom for I am scheduled for Petit-Jury duty on Monday, the letter states my term is 4 days or 1 trial. Her daughter found my letter with a week to go. Officially: There’s certainly a civic duty to attending jury duty, and it would be the right thing to try to get that deferment and have them summon you in a few months. It is your chance to participate directly in our democracy. Edit: if they don’t finish jury selection (for that case) that day, you will be told when to return. I've actually had to report once and the voir dire got me Happened to friend's brother, he didn't show so the judge order that the sheriff's go to his home and get him. My husband gets called regularly to both but has never actually been seated on a jury. In all my years of living in Maine I've never been asked to be on jury duty. a lot of people point out the financial aspect, but I'll add another one - it wasn't jury duty itself (or, in this case, waiting around the room to potentially be called) but the fact I had to get up at 5am to be there by 7 and spend the whole day sitting around on my laptop trying to do my actual online job while being cranky and falling asleep. Then they call in a group of people to go to a court room, but not everyone. You can usually defer the first time you get a jury summons. Admin told us it was a busy week. So, you've got a jury duty summons. I’m on call this week. I later got seated on a civil jury and didn’t expect to given my experiences. However, in my 3 years in New York I was called to be on jury duty once, as was my boyfriend at the time who moved at the same time as me. Had filled out questionaire for friend's 85 year old legally blind mother for San Jose jury duty. I got a letter in the mail about being on “standby jury duty” at the Daley Center. However, this civic duty is one of the foundations of American liberty and a respectable use of anyone's time. Here's what will happen. I seriously think we need to be exerting some major pressure to change how jury duty goes — my SO got called in last week, and I honestly only then realized there’s no guaranteed compensation for your opportunity cost in serving jury duty. If I’m summoned, I’d have to get to the courthouse in under 90 minutes. According to the National Center for State Courts, in a given year, 32 million people get summoned for service, but only 8 million of them actually report for jury duty. I just checked my group number, and it says I’m on call-back status and to check again at 11:15am tomorrow to see if I need to report. My group wasn't one of the selected groups, but I'm on call until Friday. I called Friday evening, the recording said to report Monday morning. For criminal jury duty, I literally just sat in a room all day. The chances that you'll even make it that far is pretty slim. San Francisco. e. This role is important for organizing discussions and guiding the group towards a unanimous decision. The summons I received in the mail says to call in the night before to see if I need to show up in the morning, but the online portal says “Please report for jury service at [Courthouse Name] on May 6, 2024 at 8:15 am. I think cause I had just registered myself to vote. Tossing a jury duty notice in the trash may result in either a fine, a jail term, or both. " I think the longest for me was 4 business days including the first day I showed up (jury selection). I got called for civil jury duty and criminal jury duty both in a two year period. Unofficially: In Cook County, there’s absolutely no system to enforce consequences for ignoring those summons. THE QUESTION It’s really not a big deal. It's possible not to be called at all. My number was A-200 something. Out of respect and the process they notify various people for jury duty a month if so before being called. Serving jury duty is the law. If you don’t get called for that group, you sit around and wait some more. {"featuredImages":[],"content":"Earlier this week, we had a jury appreciation event. Jury duty is often a “many are called, but few are chosen” process. But when I've been called for jury duty in California, there was a call-in system and an assigned number. I'm on call for Jury duty and had my first call-in on Friday. I think if you get selected for grand jury, it is a longer requirement. district, federal, etc. Understanding the selecti Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. The computer phone system will then say you are on standby or reserve (or something like that) and you need to call back the next day by like 5:00 p. My friend answers the door cops tell him, using brother's name,he is under arrest for failure to show for jury duty. One day, you'll get called to jury duty. Then they'll take a bunch of you to a court room area, call people up and ask some questions. Got a jury duty summons to check Christmas weekend for reporting the week between Christmas and New Years. A few months later I’m called in again and city/county had no record of the federal jury duty. The odds are ever in your favor with a group dead last. I'm registered to vote, have a drivers license, haven't moved in almost 20 years - so I am super easy to find. I work a 9-5 in-office, and my commute is about an hour. My last 2 jury summons were mysteriously lost in the mail. It says I have to call a number before the day of jury duty to see if I’ll show up or not. But your number is very high and it's a holiday week so it is highly doubtful that you would get called. m. This varies by state, but in Florida, your name is entered in the lottery every 12 months. This court is a “one appearance, or one trial” court. Save any paperwork that you’re sent. Also, $15 a day is an absolute slap in the face. Can I increase my chances of being picked? There’s no guaranteed way to increase There's no knowing and I would suggest not planning a trip near jury duty. Call that number the night before your scheduled date to find out whether they need you or not. I attended two days then got excused. If you feel that you have financial or work-related hardship cases, you must report for jury duty if called and ask the judge to excuse you at the time of jury selection. You will be required to make only one appearance in court for jury selections held that day, or serve for one trial (jury selection may take more than one day). Jury service is boring. 5. I got summoned last year and postponed and then forgot I postponed and then got a notice of failure to respond for jury duty. There have been periods when I was called up every year or two and other periods where I have gone a much longer time without getting called up. Once was pretty decent, I had to show up prior to the week I was on calk to give my info. I didn’t have my first jury duty notice and their system doesn’t cross reference federal with local jury information. Feb 23, 2023 · From a large group of prospective jurors called each day, only six to 12 (a trial or petit jury) will be chosen for the trial phase of criminal or civil cases, and up to 23 for a grand jury [source: U. Do not send to the court or the jury clerk ahead of time an employment excusal . But let's be real, you're probably more interested in figuring out if you're going to spend the next few weeks staring at a judge or binge-watching your favorite shows. You should be fine missing the first summons. You call, and if your assigned number is within the group of numbers they call out, then you have to appear at the courtroom the next day. When you are summoned to jury service, please answer the call to serve. It’s not an “if it’s convenient thing”. idaho. If it's Suffolk County, then yes they are called in order, and if you aren't called by Friday then you are done for 6 years. It's easy to get off of a jury if you don't want to serve. As someone who truly believes that it is their duty as a juror to acquit people being prosecuted under an unjust law, you would not be trying to get out of Jury duty, and would not be advertising your views on Jury nullification, as it could stop you from carrying out your duty to judge and nullify as Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. I was not selected. THE QUESTION Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. When you call in, the recording will say "groups number XXXX through YYYY, call in tomorrow after ZTIME" or "groups number XXXX through YYYY, report to LOCATION" If your group number doesn't get requested to appear after 5 [I think?] days, it'll say your group is dismissed and your service is complete Oct 30, 2024 · VERIFY reader Jim recently asked us if voting in an election makes someone more likely to be called for jury duty. Thankfully I did not have to report because that one can involve travel and they don't pay you enough to make up for the losses. As mentioned a jury won’t be called unless necessary. I got summoned for jury duty next month and I really have no desire to be called in. Yes, lawyers also get summoned to jury duty but what happens most often is the attorneys trying the case will ask that the potential juror attorney be dismissed during the jury selection process. My friend tells him that is his brother who isn't home. I'm in my early 40s and have been put on-call for duty 5 or 6 times, been called in then dismissed before voir dire 3 times, called in and dismissed after voir dire (enough jurors selected before they got to me) another 3 times, and was selected and served on a jury once. Does that mean I'm more likely to have to report in since my call time is during the daytime instead of after the courts close? Jun 7, 2015 · About 32 million Americans get summoned for jury duty each year. Jul 10, 2008 · 12:00 midnight and call in. If you're going in December you'll probably be in luck. You'll go sit in a room with a gazillion other people for days on end waiting for your number to be called. Mona Chalabi of FiveThirtyEight. ” For more information about this important public civic duty, visit the Jury Service section. When my first (federal) jury duty was up I threw away the paperwork. No way to know. Of course I can't get an answer with the phone number they give you. Second time I was called for jury duty I was very pregnant, enough that bub would probably come while the trial was on. 13. Often, there’s a phone number to call the night before to find out if you will be needed each day—and you may end up calling every night for a week. I have jury duty tomorrow. There should be a phone number on the letter you received asking you to show up for jury duty. , does it go 200-210 then jump to 300 or does it go 200-299)? What are the chances of a group number in the 200s getting called? If they go in order and there are only a few groups in each block of 100, then it seems very likely. I got called once for county in like 2011, made it to the next to last round of jury selection, never got called again, and have never been called for federal. Odds are are really good that if you show up, you won't end up in the jury pool anyway. Even with a group number in the middle of the pack I've yet to be called in. Just call the number or check the website and keep your fingers crossed. com joins NPR's Rachel Martin for a look at who those people are. Does anyone know the number of people in a reporting group in… Mar 25, 2024 · A person called the "jury foreperson" leads the jury team. I didn’t see the court room and was released around 4:00 or so when they called the last group of the day. If your summons is for a future jury service date, please check back the Friday before your scheduled report date after 6:00 p. After the intro and some waiting, I was among the group called to one court. I was called for Monroe County fall 2016. Once you get called, you go to the court house and wait to be called for an actual trial. I never registered and got called upon to come in for selection. But figuring out the chances of getting summoned is incredibly If you get a jury notice, check with the court involved to get the actual answers to your questions. One of the folks in our group was a lawyer and knew what was up - she brought a laptop and basically worked while in the waiting room. My courthouse is 45 minutes away and I am still required to show up if needed. Jury duty is spray-and-pray. For example, when you call the night before (usually Sunday night), they call lower numbers to appear first. I never lived there or used her address. You’ll be fine. Will My Jury Duty Group Be the Chosen One? A Deep Dive into Los Angeles Odds. I realize that the chances that I will end up sitting on a jury for a long trial that would interfere with the wedding might be pretty small, but I still can't help but worry. If you feel like you’re missing out, I can tell you 99/100 people called for jury duty hate it. My dad has never been put on call despite the fact he's always voted, my mom only has been summoned once in her entire life. If they do not get a chance to interview you, you may have to go back tomorrow. That was my exact experience. Your employer is generally required to give you time off for jury duty; someone else will need to take over the work if needed, just like any other time you are physically unavailable. You go for the whole day and sit there waiting to see if you get called. gov. Final Update: I was wrong It depends. May 6, 2024 · At the same time, if you’re trying to get out of jury duty, you shouldn’t answer untruthfully in an attempt to get removed. I got put on call and was summoned three times during the 3 month on call cycle, though all three ended up getting cancelled. I was never called down for a trial, I just hung out in the courthouse for 3 days, did some work, read, watched movies, etc. Your response confirms you need to grow up. The requirements for being disqualified are very specific and there’s abs Oct 30, 2024 · VERIFY reader Jim recently asked us if voting in an election makes someone more likely to be called for jury duty. Oct 13, 2015 · If you are summoned for jury duty, you will get mail from the court stating the dates of your service and where you need to go. Jury duty can vary from "don't even bother showing up" (unlikely in Suffolk County) to "we're going to need you for as long as we need you. Google search trend data indicate others are wondering the same thing. Check with your employer if that’s the case. I’ve been summoned for jury duty for the first time that I haven’t been able to get out of, and I’m confused about the instructions. Sometimes they just come in and say everyone can go home. Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. The week before jury duty you start calling in or checking online to see if you’re needed. I was called for jury duty while pregnant. 3: I see jury duty as a duty of the citizenry. My summons states that it is my responsibility to call the Jury Line to find out when to report. It’s “beyond reasonable doubt” and if I believe that a cop would lie or exaggerate then I have “reasonable doubt” about the validity. Reimbursement depends on location and what level court you are in i. You would likely not have to serve and could opt out, but you could still be called annually. If you do get called into one of the initial jury pools, you still have a good chance of being dismissed. You do NOT get held over for another case. I was called during Blanche Taylor Moore case and there were lots of us for a case that big. A landslide majority of cases are mind numbingly boring and interrupt your life for some time. It doesn’t matter. Jun 7, 2015 · This time it’s 32 million — that’s the number of people who get summoned each year for jury service in U. It is random to an extent, but my local clerk of courts just explained to a 138 person jury pool how there is a 1-in-4 chance you’ll get called every year. Allow me to share my small story. Both times they had more potential jurors than they needed for actual cases. Courts]. for updated information regarding your service. The first day you’ll sit around a big room waiting for the judge to come in with a bunch of forms that you’ll need to fill out and sign, either saying that you have no legitimate reason to be disqualified from jury duty or have some reason to be disqualified. . The jury clerks are limited as to what conditions under the law that they may excuse a juror. My husband did a few years in prison. I recently was called for jury duty for the first time in about 10 years. I got tapped for grand jury duty. It is your civic duty. As long as you vote, yes you have a chance to be called in. Jurors are allowed one postponement of up to 90 days per year. Does the group number mean anything? We are wondering if the high group number means she is very unlikely to be called in the first few days and could pretty safely schedule an interview for the first or second day of the call in period Do they pull jury group numbers in order? Where do group numbers start? How many group numbers in each block (e. The jury duty notice says the longest estimated trial length they have starting that week. The chances of your jury duty group getting called in depend on various factors, including the number of people summoned, the length of the trial, and the selection process. I’ve only been called in once but here’s my experience. Jury service is their chance to contribute to our legal and justice system, and we need their voices and their collective judgment. I've been called for federal jury duty twice. I don't know if it's the same in all states, but here they call you for jury duty "randomly" by voter registration lists. Our wedding is May 31. Chances are you won't get picked. Are you currently serving on a jury? Your trial can be cancelled if you participate in any online discussion while on a jury - the judge grants a mistrial. Her summons says that she is group 14. But I doubt I would get chosen now either. They don't necessarily call the same amount of numbers every day. I'm around your age. I have been to Sac County jury duty at least 8 times and it seems to be different every time. Sometimes you don’t get called at all. Actually now being registered to vote has nothing to do with being selected for jury duty. The trial was historical child SA. The recording will give the group numbers of those selected, along with the date, time, and place to report. Ignoring a jury duty notice. I got summoned for jury duty twice in PA. I've been twice in about 20 years, and didn't get selected either time. I have only been called once. If your group number was close to the last number called for one day, chances are you would be called the next day if there were any cases. I hope that if I am ever on trial, members of my jury are not only "the people too dumb to get out of it". Nothing changed today, but is that going to be how things stay? Update: I've gone three of the five days without being called in. Most jury duty is one day, or possible a couple days if selected for a trial. THE QUESTION Just finished with my jury week (started Feb 1st). Online I stated new job, old car. Feb 11, 2021 · Whether you’re trying to get out of your civic duty or increase your chances of being called, there’s a lot of incorrect information out there regarding the selection process. We asked the same exact question as well as “what if you just don’t show for jury duty”. When I get called for jury duty, especially when it’s cops abusing power or acting like assholes, I do everything I can do be on the jury so I can let the victim of cop power abuse off. You can postpone once if it interferes with one thing or another (in my case college classes), but you'll get called again later. I’ve heard people plan to say some pretty outrageous things in order to be excused from jury service. So attorneys will have to show up with the large group that gets called for jury selection but very few will be selected to be on the actual jury. They provided us lockers to put our things in when we got called into the court room. If you get selected to be a juror, you will get separate reporting instructions. This means anyone aged between 18 and 70 who is registered to vote can be called for jury duty. Can I volunteer for jury service or send someone in my place if I am unable serve? We wish it were that easy! State law and local rules require that all prospective jurors be selected at random from the source list that is used. g. I am on call for jury duty in SF this week. You can check your status and reporting instructions online via the Juror Access Website https://jury. Don’t forget to get your parking validation from the clerk before you leave. In most cases, the courts summon more jurors than are necessary, and most return home without being asked to serve. 4: After being called 5 times in 15 years, and serving on 2 juries, I feel like my obligation is met for a while. Btw if you get called to a courtroom and dont feel like wasting your time on 2bit lowlifes being accused of selling pot just tell the judge in front of prosecution and Defense (when appropriately called up for further questioning) that you dont care about these issues and you I am a college student in Minnesota recently called for jury duty. Do You Get Paid for Jury Duty? When you call in the day before, if you actually have to show up, there’s a decent chance you’ll actually get jury duty. We live in a small town, and for some reason he gets called for jury duty ALL the time. The jury room was full. My district uses a call-in-system for juror notification. state courts. Do not post while you are on jury duty. Depending on dates of jury service, you could receive more than one check for total payment of all your jury service dates. So far, so good! Now it's all on Thursday and Friday. I've read online that jurors who have a higher number, are less likely to be called in because the courts usually call in the first 200 or 300. what are the chances I am forced to report to the… Oct 30, 2024 · VERIFY reader Jim recently asked us if voting in an election makes someone more likely to be called for jury duty. If you have a group number thats above 10, you most likely won't get called. As the week wears on, more numbers may be called, but most cases don't start on a Thursday or Friday. Reply reply I recently received my instructions for jury duty this upcoming week and it says I am in standby and have to call/go on the website passed 5PM to see if I can report. Then for civil court, which I didn’t have to show up for according to the number you call the night before. I know multiple people who just throw them straight in the trash because there’s no way to prove the intended recipient ever received the summons. I figured it was because I was like 19 at the time. They then need to schedule a new trial. How likely you are for your group to get called really just depends on the cases being heard and if they settle beforehand. If you get to the Q&A, answer honestly. Just curious what the process is like if I do end up having to go. Jury service is an important and essential part of the justice system but there are a lot of misconception about it. Jurors are on call for two weeks (10 consecutive court days beginning the first day you are on call). Based on others' experiences, what are the chances that my group gets called in Wed-Fri? Will the Monday and Tuesday groups fill out most of the juries? About one in ten to one in twenty people are called on for jury duty through their lives on average, and it depends a lot on your eligibility. May 16, 2014 · So I just got a summons to appear for jury duty on April 28. However, chances of being selected are 50/50. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’m pretty nervous haha! Would appreciate any advice! Thanks! Edit: Thanks everyone for your answers! Jan 27, 2025 · Check to See if My Jury Group is Needed Jury Groups Requested Please note: Only the jury groups for the next scheduled service date are posted on this page. Excused. One of the lawyers may dismiss you during the selection process if you’re lucky. Say that you 100% believe what every police officer says. Hey everyone. Also, trials that are scheduled late in the week are usually resolved faster because they want to get them done before the weekend. Most courts have an online FAQ, and the notice you've received will likely show a phone number to call. For Tuesday, another 6 groups were called, leaving just 7 more (including mine) left. Multiple cases were settled the day of trial before getting to jury selection, so many people didn't even get called from the main room into selection. The selection process is completely impartial and aims to represent a cross-section of society. I wasn’t so far along that it would be a problem though. There is a catch-22 here for anyone trying to use nullification to get out of Jury duty. – Serving on a jury can be a You may request to reschedule your jury service to a more convenient time. You should google your local clerk of court for the info or call them. For Monday, 7 of the 20 groups were called. Don't try to get out of jury duty because it's a waste of your time. You could get called again for superior court or federal district court and you need to prove your service to get excused. I know my parents, who have lived in Maine most of their adult lives, have never been on jury duty either. Or via the Automated Jury Phone (844) 509-1211. The 8 weeks thing isn't really true. As with most things, they know jurors will not show or cancel. I lived near Gilroy. California law requires unpaid leave for jury duty, but some employers offer paid leave for up to 1-2 days of jury duty. I missed my scheduled jury duty service last year in October. I've been called for regular municipal/state jury duty more years of my adult life than not. Most people go, sit for a few boring hours, and then get dismissed. May 17, 2022 · Purely anecdotal data: When I was living in Chicago, it seemed that every time I moved, which meant that I had to change my voter registration to a new address, I would get called for jury duty within the next year. no, I don't think Oct 30, 2024 · VERIFY reader Jim recently asked us if voting in an election makes someone more likely to be called for jury duty. I’m trying to figure out what to do. Congrats! You're officially a pillar of democracy. Or say that you actively work to abolish the police. Since I am on standby, does this mean I have to report to work for the time being until my number is called to report for jury duty? Just needed clarification! Those running jury duty get asked this question all the time and I can give you the answer I was given by a the lady that sends out all the summons when I got jury duty. Chances are, if you pay taxes or drive a car, you will still be called. Our system relies on every day people. After I bought a house, after being called for jury duty once, I was never called again for the nearly twenty years I lived there. They might not need you and put you on standby, which means you have to check in again the next week. It depends on the types of cases available during your term. I figured funny business going on somewhere. Our District Court Jury Services employees revealed the top 10 misconceptions about jury service. She said, most of the time nothing will happen. If they don't have new trials starting on Monday then you will probably get out of it with a high number, but if they have a bunch of new trials or short trials then everybody can get called in. If you don't get called the first 2 days you're 99% most likely won't get called. utja gtei smkbox ywgggj msbliir lfu cgdiv nphw jjghg aoczom stc xzdv vnejpp hhtgfe knkrb