74hc04 crystal oscillator One of the best AT crystal oscillator I have ever seen, not far from an state of the art OCXO. 253. The clock failure detector can be enabled or disabled by configuring CKGR_MOR. Experiments: - 1. "what is good for" - Do you mean The 74HC04 provides provides six independent inverters with standard push-pull outputs. 0V The process for making oscillator grade crystal blanks is time consuming, with many steps to ensure consistent high-quality product, but they offer vastly superior stability over RC oscillators. 56MHz crystal which determines the frequewncy oscillation [8]- [9]. 56MHz CMOS-Based Crystal Oscillator for Wireless Power Transfer Application the realized oscillator uses a 74HC04. 768 kHz, and an AT-cut Either change to parallel resonant oscillator, or change the crystal to one meant for series resonance. I originally designed two boards. The approximation equations of the load impedance, Z1, presented to the output of the crystal oscillator’s amplifier by the crystal network is: Where XC=−j/ωCB and RL is the series resistance of the crystal as shown in Our Standard Logic devices offer a wide supply voltage range and are supported by an array of packages including QFN for small space-constrained systems. SN74LVC1404 Oscillator Driver for Crystal Oscillator or Ceramic Resonator 1 1 Features 1• Available in the Texas Instruments NanoFree™ package • Supports 5-V VCC operation • Inputs accept voltages to 5. 8 MHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5) Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy MK3711DMLFTR: Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 8MHz to 16MHz 3. This is a fundamental frequency oscillator circuit. Use a 74HC04 to make an external 12MHz crystal oscillator but the CD4060 will not be able to use it for its counters. I've spent quite a bit of time read up on oscillator circuits and trying to get this circuit to oscillate. 3V and 3. A manual having practical details. Note that the oscillator performs much better using a 74HC04 for the squarer, rather than using a comparator such as the LT1016. But the transistor pierce crystal oscillator is the most commonly used one. CFDEN. That is why. But if I change L1 from 2. The RTC output of the 74HC4060 are unbuffered, which reduces the gain, and generally makes them better for crystal oscillator use. Cp represents the load for the crystal, and this should be equal to CL, as Crystal and oscillator IC oscillator On Chip oscillator, external crystal. In my opinion this is an easy option for crystals below 10MHz and devices using the single inverter "Pierce" configuration. This also worked but when fed into one of the other inverters the slow edges from the oscillator stage caused the output of this to oscillate on the transitions. 7A. 8Vpp and apparently it's standard for many crystal oscillator manufacturers. They generate the frequencies to be a base time. Except the crystal, no other external components are required. And that’s because it produces different waveforms. 73 frequency and feed it then back to a 74HC04 biased gate - that may create 50/50 too. Many suggested that it was not possible to use a crystal and a couple of capacitors to clock the chip as you do with the Atmega328P and that you Crystal oscialtor circuits with 74HC04? Hello, I have any queston about Crystal oscilator with 74HC04. Or also use NAND gate: CD4011, MC14011B. I build this crystal oscillator circuit like the diagram below. 5 H to 9. The gates perform the Boolean function: Y =A Features • Wide Supply Voltage Range from 2. In my experience, if you get a crystal oscillator circuit wrong it'll often oscillate at some random frequency determined by everything else in the circuit but the crystal. pdf. It works well. It should be possible to use an inverter to create a simple oscillator, and with a crystal it should be possible to set its frequency. The 74HC04 is CMOS, and it switches from high to low (and vice versa) when the input passes half the voltage. One for a crystal oscillator and one for an RC oscillator. The oscillators or frequency generators provide a waveform in various forms. Cady in 1921. Joined Apr 17, 2013 Messages 2,725 Unlikely to be matched capacitors on a crystal oscillator, in my experience. 2. If I replace the CMOS inverter with a custom model for a chip like the 74HCU04, it works. 0592 mhz Text: CX-1-03 CRYSTAL 8 MHz to 160 MHz Miniature AT-Cut Quartz Crystal Fundamental Mode: 8 MHz - 70 MHz Third Standard Clock Oscillators Crystal Oscillator SEAM3225 T&R 3K Diodes Incorporated KK3270021. Your IRF power Mosfets have input capacitance that is extremely HIGH. The osc module has a small output 0. I'm trying to build this oscillator for a clock but I won't be putting it into a RTC, so I only need the 32. As a crystal oscillator it takes 2MHz - 16 MHz crystals. I think And I think the model of Quartz Crystal is incorrect, but I can not find any other model for it in Proteus. But this project will be done with none PICS. The datasheet for the crystal will list the recommended capacitor values including stray capacitance. In the designed prototype, a 4. Design a simple oscillator circuit using the 74HC04 hex inverter IC. Could be replaced by a 74VHCU04 but I prefer a real clock like the KWAK-CLOCK. Use the 74HCT04 to buffer the op amp's output. This is an oscillator that can be stuffed to be either a crystal oscillator (with a 74HC04) or an RC oscillator (with a 74HC14). In keeping view of SIGMA policy of continuous development and improvement, the Specifications may be changed without prior notice or obligation. Pinout CD74HCU04 (PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP) TOP VIEW Ordering Information PART NUMBER TEMP. Pierce Oscillator Using CMOS Inverter The optimal value for Cp determines the quality and frequency stability of the crystal oscillator. 11. The device is designed for operation with a power supply range of 2. info Forums Not Gate Oscillator. 3V VCXO: R80186: Rochester Electronics LLC 3) To test the crystal, use an inverter gate (74HC04, 4049, 74LS06, any), and build an oscillator similar to the PIC oscillator. Standard Accessories : 1. The transfer characteristics are shown, and the much lower gain is what is wanted for a crystal oscillator. A Free & Open Forum For (like the 74HC04). The device combines excellent oscillator stability with very application. Charming. Resource Library. Diference is in R3 (RF) resisotr resistor is over Crystal not over CMOS Inverter and value of R3 is only 100k (in pictore I have error) Question Measuring the frequency of crystal oscillator with high accuracy: Analog & Mixed-Signal Design: 22: Nov 6, 2024: M: Problem With Quartz Crystal Simulation: PCB Layout , EDA & Simulations: 19: Jan 26, 2024: quartz clock driver question/help: Analog & Mixed-Signal Design: 9: Jan 22, 2024: G: Analog or digital self-tuning quartz crystal oscillator A CMOS CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Figure 8 illustrates a crystal oscillator that uses only one CMOS inverter as the active element. \$\endgroup\$ – George Herold. To control an electronic circuit. pin 2 on the 74HC04). The Taitien app note advises using a 74HC04 with feedback resistor. I tried to simulate it and the simulated circuit oscillated at about 28MHz I noticed a similar problem with the Pierce_new1. All other logic will be inside the CPLD. Simulation (Ngspice) which indicates it’s unbuffered and can used in crystal oscillator and astable multivibrator designs. Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 13:51 \$\begingroup\$ Yes, this kind of thing was pretty common with The 74HC04 provides provides six independent inverters with standard push-pull outputs. 6V, respectively), even in the worst-case scenario where the output from the XO is a pure . I see datasheets saying: Buffered CMOS 70%/30% Vcc logic-levels -need a 2V swing Unbuffered CMOS 80%/20% Vcc logic-levels -need a 3V swing I have 0. Rereading, I'm pretty sure I need 25 pF caps instead as I misinterpreted how load capacitance worked. B is standard version of this circuits. Cite. 18 µm foundry rules and Level-3 transistor model. Crystals, Oscillators, Resonators; Development Boards, Kits, Programmers; Discrete Semiconductor Products; There are off the shelf crystal oscillators that offer lower phase noise. 173k 6 6 gold badges 136 136 silver badges 353 353 Actually, the crystal oscillator or frequency standard is a high-Q version of the VCO" [ Reference 1 ]. This is a design that is everywhere: I built this using stripboard: Powering it from 5V, it does seem to work. Home. ) Logged edavid. May 23, 2018 #3 schmitt trigger Advanced Member level 5. The oscillator is designed using a 74HC04 CMOS IC as the main part of the oscillator and a 13. The device consists of six three−stage Crystal Oscillator Circuits Using 74LS04. Mouser Part # 729-KK3270021. oscillator; crystal; Share. Works with parallel cut crystals which most low frequency ones are, and it wont run on an overtone of the crystals frequency. Patch Cords. For the second circuit, note that a CD4060 is only guaranteed to work at 1. I'm attaching an LTspice file that simulates a crystal oscillator with resonant frequency 1MHz, and it works fine. 0592 MHz CRYSTAL 20 mhZ MILITARY 32MHz quartz RESONATOR 2 mhz crystal oscillator 11. The 74HCU04 is like the 74HC04 hex inverter but unbuffered. Starting on a breadboard I build the circuit and try t Look up any common 32kHz crystal oscillator circuit using an unbuffered CMOS inverter (4069, 74C04, 74HC04, etc. Crystal Oscillator circuit using 74LS04. I have not found a crystal in the 2 MHz to 20 MHz range that did not oscillate reliably in this circuit. The oscillator should produce a square wave output with Network Sites: Latest; News; Technical Articles; Latest; Analog or digital self-tuning quartz crystal oscillator: General Electronics Chat: 7: Sep 19, 2023: Toy Drone controller repairment: Technical in crystal oscillator and analog applications. When configured in the linear region, the extra gain and phase shift can cause it to oscillate at an unpredictable high frequency. A crystal selection guide shows recommended crystals tested by experts and found suitable for various oscillator modules in different Microchip AVR® families. 26 kB, 688x795 - viewed 4215 times. 5 V • One buffered inverter with Schmitt-trigger input and two unbuffered inverters • Integrated solution for oscillator applications The 74HC04 isn't the best IC to use for a crystal oscillator. The first quartz crystal oscillator was built by Walter G. In a Pierce type crystal oscillator you have to use the 74HCU04 (unbuffered version). 000MHz 10ppm 18pF the simulation output is square wave output is very symmetrical. 53; 2,847 In Stock; Mfr. Diodes Incorporated: Standard Clock Oscillators Crystal Oscillator SEAM3225 T&R 3K. jpg (59. This oscillator can be finicky -if you know the crystal I have a good supply of 74HC04 circuits. ). Radio Buttons using 7404 IC: Confusion on 7404 inverter inputs, in reference to "floating ground" \$\begingroup\$ The 74LCX04 made a pretty good oscillator using a crystal and DC feedback bias. Crystal and Crystal Oscillators; Automotive. Although this post isn't about phase noise; in this era of poor quality, "cheapo" crystals, You should not use a 74hc14 or Almost any inverting gate CMOS will work here, including the 4069, 74HC04, 74HC14, etc. 56 MHz RFID is described in detail by using mathematical and Mentor Graphics VLSI design tools ADK-3. 768 kHz frequency as an output. Abstract: 74HC04 oscillator application note crystal oscillator 11. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals pass it via an LC tuned to the 10. 1 Like. Technical Articles. Standard-cut crystals are difficult to Title: Crystal Oscillator with IC Digital 74HC04 | Circuit Project Electronic Author: Brian Riley Created Date: 9/2/2010 7:10:50 PM I have also tried 74HC04, 74LS14, 74HC14, and nothing works as reliable (until 16 MHz) than the 74LS04. Based on these specifications: and based on the supplies for my oscillator and MCU (3. I want to test if the first circuit doesn't work, the second explodes, I am using 74HC04 2 gates and gates left over, crystal is 16. The best type of crystal oscillator for a Micro is the simple Pierce oscillator. The only 2 components that we have to add externally to the 7414 chip is a resistor and a capacitor in parallel. KK3270021; Diodes Incorporated; 1: $1. A crystal oscillator needs very low capacitance parts and wiring. But if you want them to work like amplifiers, bias them with I am currently tasked to investigate the impact of shock impulses on quartz crystals used in oscillator circuits. Crystal Oscillator Circuit. So far as I can tell, I should be using external clock mode, because the XO is an entire oscillator unit with its own power supply, not a passive crystal. Amplifiers and Sensors - Automotive; Crystal and Oscillator Product Selection; Diodes-BCD Power eSim Tool; I loaded the simulation model for 74HC04, but could not add V(OUT) probe! KiCad. You could search for inverter oscillators (aka relaxation oscillator). Anyway, I'll try to get some time to build 32768 crystal oscillators with Pierce + 74HC04, the two inverter version, and Pierce + 74HCU04. (74HC04 maybe) Switch R and/or C for ranges. We will try to take an inverter gate or NOT gate to test the fun circuit. \$\endgroup\$ – Peter Smith. To construct Crystal oscillator. Worse, when it didn't work it oscillated at ~40MHz whether the crystal was installed or not, which makes it pretty useless as a 'go/no-go' crystal tester. The 74HCU04 worked with all of the crystals, had better symmetry, and didn't oscillate when the crystal was removed. Quite often the pin to the input of that gate can be used as a logic level sync input - it would be handy to get hold of the data sheet and see if that applies here. 0V to 6. They are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. I had similar experience; a low frequency pierce crystal oscillator I built ran just fine with 4069UB, but it didn't start at all with 74HC04. com 74HCU04. The board works with fundamental and overtone crystals, and can be used for frequencies 74HC04 IBIS model: IBIS model: 2022-10-21: hct04: 74HCT04 IBIS model: IBIS model: 2022-10-21: Nexperia_package_poster: Nexperia package poster: Leaflet: 2020-05-15: DHVQFN14_SOT762-1_mk: plastic, dual in-line compatible is the load capacitance of the crystal which is generally cho-sen to be 32 pF, making the value of each capacitor 64 pF. Resonator Stability and VFOs for the HF bands 74HC04 Datasheet (HTML) - NXP Semiconductors: 74HC04 Product details: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 74HC/HCT04 are high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). circuit and place it on another board. nexperia. I have profesionály manuifactured device where is A version. To measure and calculate Oscillator frequency. The 74HC04 has buffered outputs. R2 is adjusted until pos and neg pulses are equal. Then, take the input joint together into the same inverter form. It is, in general, a pretty cheezy way to make an oscillator. Test firmware and test reports from various crystal vendors are included. Justme Justme. 35 KB. Each inverter really has three logic inverters connected in series. I will only connect the 32. 10MHz to 25MHz Crystal Oscillator Figure 5. Usually, the crystal manufacturer’s data sheet specifies the recommended load for the crystal (CL). The crystal used comes from the german QT Quarztechnik GmbH. #CrystalOscillator#HartelyOscillator#ColpittsOscillator #ltspice In this Video:Opamp Crystal Oscillator explainedQuartz Crystal Resonator , Series & Parallel Crystal Oscillator Figure 4b. Let’s experiment uses NOT Gate as an oscillator circuit. The system is designed by using CMOS 0. A crystal oscillator circuit can be constructed in a number of ways like a Crystal controlled tuned collector oscillator, a Colpitts crystal oscillator, a Clap crystal oscillator etc. The detector is also disabled in either of the following cases: Abstract: A design procedure of CMOS integrated crystal oscillator for 13. The capacitors C1 and C2 act as a low pass filter for suppressing Been here, done this with 10M and 1M as parallel resonant xtal oscillator in same ic package but had issues with other types of crystals. 6k 3. Part # KK3270021. 6k 5. Inverter circuits present problems, however. RC's and an inverter. The 74HC04 is identical in pinout to the LS04 and the MC14069. 100 KHz Crystal Oscillator - Page 1. The oscillator will produce digital Title: Crystal Oscillator with IC Digital 74HC04 | Circuit Project Electronic Author: Brian Riley Created Date: 9/2/2010 7:10:50 PM On a large number of such chips - the internal oscillator is nothing more than a CMOS inverter, you add an external feedback/bias resistor and crystal or resonator. One practical example would be the Tent labs crystal oscillator with specified 1ps jitter. This study discussed the optimization of the oscillator with the tuning method on the values of capacitors C1, C2, C3, and C4 and Notice that the oscillator circuit should use 74HC04U (unbuffered type), not 74HC04 which can bring up unwanted overtone oscillations. Schmitt Trigger is perhaps overstating the difference between a watch crystal, usually at 32. I would in normal cases have used a PIC. Low Power Crystal Oscillator Circuit 32. \$\begingroup\$ I'm not sure if it'll work with 74HC04 chips -- they special-make 74HCU04 ("U" for "unbuffered") that act more like the analog inverting amplifiers. 768 kHz tuning fork crystal as a low frequency clock oscillator. There may be issues with RC relaxation or Ring 3gate oscillator configurations in terms of noise, but i suspect you are deploying crystal || resonant feedback as drive b/\c of those standard xtal frequencies. I have a quartz crystal oscillator 10mhz and at-cut and I want to measure it's value with oscilloscope. 0592 MHZ crystal quartz 11. For SPDIF outputbuffering I am using the 74VHC04. CMOS Crystal Oscillator duty cycle - Page 1. Schematic. Any odd number of in-verters may be used, but the total propagation delay through the ring limits the highest frequency that can be obtained. Another useful crystal oscillator is the overtone oscillator shown in the schematic below. The oscillator will produce digital Here we take a look at a simple oscillator clock generator circuit using a 74HCT04N hex inverter chip. I'd consider it more a party trick than a serious candidate in a product, unless it's a really cheap product. A 74HC04 would be a better bet. The 74HCU04 is more suitable. But when I use SN74HC04 of Texas Oscillator, 10MHz, 74HC04 2022-04-24. But there is another important difference between the Atmega328P and the Atmega328PB: the latter does not have a "full swing crystal oscillator driver". Oscillator Principles. Now replace the CMOS inverter and its feedback resistor with an MCP602 op amp circuit with a gain of -10 (or try a different gain if that doesn't work). EEVblog Electronics Community Forum . « Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 06:23:24 pm by imo » Logged Readers 5# Simplest High-frequency Oscillator circuit using NOT Gate. Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 14:05. But you can not replace a 74HC04 by a 74HC14, of course. The IC used is a A CMOS inverter, like 74HC04, has Cin of ~ 10 pF, whereas these MOSFETs in the 1000+ pF range. Obviously, the fewer inverters that are used, the higher the maximum possible Crystal controlled oscillator modelling in LTSpice: PCB Layout , EDA & Simulations: 9: Aug 24, 2024: 20MHz crystal oscillator LTSpice modelling: PCB Layout , EDA & Simulations: 8: Jun 26, 2024: M: Clocking a HI7190 ΣΔADC using a 10MHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator: General Electronics Chat: 5: Aug 21, 2020: M: Using external crystal oscillator on Accurate-1-kHz-Crystal-Oscillator-Circuit-Diagram-1khz-1-kilohertz-cd4060. The 74HC/HCT04 provide six inverting buffers. 3V VCXO: MK3711DMLF: Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 8MHz to 16MHz 3. When I use IC HD74HC04 of Hitachi Semiconductor or 74HC04 of NXP semiconductor (formerly Philips semiconductor). Further, all-digital gates usually have again. Step 3: Design the Biasing Network. 2 \$\begingroup\$ A crystal-controlled DDS chip will generate that range of frequencies quite nicely, with good accuracy and repeatability. So I decided to design one board that could be used either way. Follow answered Dec 22, 2019 at 19:56. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. 0V. . It’s pretty common to find this type of circuit in digital applications. See page 7 & 8 of this datasheet: assets. So why degrade a potential good clock design with 3 inverters placed in series? All gates have tolerances in propagation delay, even when integrated on the same piece of silicon. This change created a lot of debate online . 😎 C1 Crystal C2 Figure 3. Features • Crystal Oscillator Basics • PCB Design Considerations • Testing Crystal Robustness PDF | On Jul 1, 2018, Muhammad Ammar Wibisono and others published 13. \$\endgroup\$ Design a 32kHz wide supply range oscillator with a low-power comparator, a reference and crystal oscillator. We use the CMOS chip CD4069B inverter gate form. A CD4060 has a max oscillator frequency of only 3. The only additional componentes are 2 resistors: 10Mohm in paralel with the inverter pins and a 100 ohm resistor in series with the crystal (check the datasheet of the PIC to see the diagram. 3k 10k 330pF 100pF 1000pF 10pF View 74HC04 by Diodes Incorporated datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey. The crystal oscillator circuit like this gets popular uses in digitals. Just totally suppresses loop G of the oscillator. g. how can I drive ocillator sine or square wave with the simplest circuit and how can I connect oscilloscope thanx for reply (74HC04) with, of course, the 10nF, 39pF, 68pF and 47nF capacitors and the two 1k resistors. 8 mH to simulate a crystal oscillator with resonant frequency 16MHz, it flat-lines (no oscillations). Why not use the 74HC4060? The oscillator is built using a 74HC04N CMOS IC and a 13. 768KHz crystal oscillator and the 7 segments to the CPLD. 0592 mhz 74hc04 pierce 74hc04 oscillator K D S 11. 8Vpp available. The device inputs are compatible with Standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LSTTL outputs. Also, not too sure, but using a Schmitt trigger hex inverter 74HC14 instead of the classic hex inverter 74HC04 would not hurt anything, so it might be worth a try (suggestions for tweaks are welcome). Super Contributor note that you must use a 74HCU04, not a 74HC04. you can use inverting gate CMOS like 74HC14, 4069, 74HC04, etc. 5MHz with a 5V supply and only 8MHz with a 10V supply. 768 kHz Description EM7604 is an advanced low power CMOS circuit intended to be used together with a 32. By the way, there is nothing tuned to the 40m band in this circuit, so it can be used as the oscillator for any band you have crystals for. asc from the group's example circuits (It oscillates at about 28MHz when a 74HC04 inverter is used instead of the simple CMOS inverter in the example) and brought this to the NOT Gate IC 74HC04 10. 56MHz crystal and is equipped with a common-collector amplifier using a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) type BC547. In this circuit, we will show how we can build an oscillator circuit with a 7414 schmitt trigger inverter chip. The frequency stability of the oscillator is created by using piezoelectric crystal. (74HC04 or CD4049UB type) biased as a linear amplifier by connecting a large-valued resistor from the input to the output. 768 kHz frequency as an Current reference from bandgap voltage with oscillator: Cross coupled LC oscillator: Newbie - Using a 7404 NOT Hex Inverter to get a frequency wave 1Khz. 000MHz crystal is used, and a 74HC04 CMOS inverter, biased in the linear region, serves as the core of the oscillator circuit. 068μF 5V LT1016 AN-12 F04a – + V– V+ LATCH GND Q Q 5V 5V 2k 2k 2k 10MHz TO 25MHz (AT CUT) OUTPUT 200pF 820pF 22Ω AN-12 F04b – + 5. The principle The Main crystal oscillator failure detector monitors the 8 to 24 MHz crystal oscillator or ceramic resonator-based oscillator to identify a possible failure of this oscillator. If you want it to oscillate at the crystal's native frequency, the the value of the RFC is not very important - just chose something over a few hundred uH for 11 MHz. The capacitance at the gate output (for a CMOS oscillator) seems to have a larger effect than that on the input, so when a twin gang capacitor is used put the smaller capacity gang, in this case the 49pF `oscillator' section, on the output (e. RANGE (oC) PACKAGE CD74HCU04E -55 to 125 14 Ld PDIP CD74HCU04M -55 to 125 14 Ld SOIC CD74HCU04MT -55 to 125 14 Ld SOIC CD74HCU04M96 -55 to 125 14 Ld SOIC CD74HCU04PWR -55 to 125 14 Ld TSSOP The main goal of this experiment was the construction of a basic quartz crystal oscillator circuit, using jellybean parts. CMOS inverters, such as the 74HC04 or 4069, are commonly used in crystal oscillator circuits. A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a precise frequency. So I tried to make a equipvalent circuit of Quart but this simulation was still not working correctly, The schematics shows a 74HC04, while your simulation shows 7404, which is not the same. Ovenized Oscillator – + V– V+ LATCH GND Q Q 5V 2k 2k 2k 1MHz TO 10MHz CRYSTAL OUTPUT 0. the beauty of using 74HC04 in simulation. In order to properly focus on the crystal part, I wish to seperate the crystal from the osc. Use a 74HC4060 instead. Also tried it using an 74HC04. This is the circuit which is normally referred as a I have a real circuit with a 74HC04 inverter and a 4MHz crystal that works. 5MHz at 5V, so with a 4MHz crystal you would want to use a 74HC4060 74HC04 U1C 9 8 74HC04 U1D 11 10 U1E 13 12 74HC04 U1F GND 7 VCC 14 74HC04 U1G J1 J2 Vcc Gnd 15V J3 Vcc Gnd 5V/3V3 J4 220K R4 (1) (1) Adjust for 18-20 mA without crystal (2) (2) The TWTMC-C is a Colpitts-Clapp crystal oscillator suitable for digital audio. Share. For example, sine wave, Triangular waveform, and square wave. xhfrl zdusng ctycgda fjst ggo bll ufma qzllfql ijzn yjadv